Thursday, May 31, 2007

Lesson 152:

The power of decision is my own…

We see what we believe and we believe what we want to be true. This is what suffices in this world of illusion.

Yet only the truth is true and nothing else is true. Today’s lesson states: Truth must be all-inclusive, if it be the truth at all. Accept no opposites and no exceptions, for to do so is to contradict the truth entirely.

I decide one thing within this dream; to view from the experience of oneness and innocence, accessing the Holy Spirit within mind, seeing as the dreamer of the dream, or I decide a worldly view, as a small character within the dream, alone. Literally everything that seems to happen in my world happens due to my decision. If I was not decided by me, it didn’t happen. And if it seemed to happen, I decided it was so. There is not someone else here making decisions, making up my so-called life. There isn’t anything else, at all, you see… There is only the truth. And truth alone is actually being/existing/ creating…

Now, within the realm of consciousness (which the Course tells us was the first split of mind), where the power of decision resides, and the seeming separation story began, made by our decision to split. My decision…

I decided to divert my attention from the truth to illusion. I decided to then to forget that I made that decision and decided to see myself as victimized by it instead. The focus of the mind in consciousness is entirely my discretion, based on what I believe I am. And what I believe I am is based on what I want it to be.

How do I know what I want my experience to be? Look around~ I’ve got it. If it seems I am a victim of a world outside myself~ that is the experience I want instead of truth. Period. ~Like captain Picarrd of Star Trek, I said: “make it so, and so it is… This is the power of decision. The power of decision is our own.

However, as the lesson states, we are in truth beyond consciousness: The power of decision is our own. And we accept of Him that which we are, and humbly recognize the Son of God. To recognize God’s Son implies as well that all self concepts have been laid aside, and recognized as false. Their arrogance has been perceived. And in humility the radiance of God’s Son, his gentleness, his perfect sinlessness, his Father’s Love, his right to Heaven and release from hell, are joyously accepted as our own.

So powerful are we that nothing can be beyond the all of everything that we are….

Let’s be honest with ourselves, not one of us, absolutely cannot identify, deep within, with the essence of the message of this lesson. It asks only that we come clean with ourselves and cop to our arrogance, and accept instead our holy station as co-creator, all mighty, all-powerful and humbly only the truth.

Truth comes present in our minds where it never left, the instant we decide for nothing else. This requires that we claim what we know is so; to the power of decision being ours, perfectly extended as creation in and through us. We can misuse this power and mis-create or make a images of illusory experience, in consciousness… and lord knows we have… but we cannot alter the unalterable, perpetual, wholly complete creation of God the Father and His holy Son, constant; eternally all that is… It is whole mind that decides … and decide it must…

The power of decision is my own… This day l will accept myself as my Father’s Will created me to be…


Anonymous said...

The victim ofthe world says he made me feel this way., she caused me to feel the way i do. We make thedecision for ourselves other people can't.

danét said...

yes so true...