Saturday, October 6, 2007

Lesson 280:

What limits can I lay upon God’s Son?


Ya know, it becomes impossible to maintain one’s defense against the truth once it has been glimpsed through the miracle. Forgiveness: at the ready in every seeming situation leads back to the simple truth that we are neither that situation nor the characters within it. ‘It’ is but a flimsy overlay of make-believe or illusion, yet the truth of what we are; the light of Christ shines within and through…

We are the Son of God! And we are still as God created us.

Even staring down the belief structure of this so-called life, in this so-called world, proves out to be the power of the mind which God created one with His. So powerful is it, so as to seemingly single out (separation idea) a particular thought expression (ego) and father a world of dense so-called reality, so seemingly opposite from the rest that it believes it is this single image… And furthermore, that it can hide-out here, from its true identity as one…

Not one idea about the limited identity of this single beam, has altered the sun/son in any way and when brought to the touchstone of forgiveness, the face of Christ, which is the truth, is all that can be seen… for it is the limitless, eternal oneness we all recognize in each other as brother and the love we meld back into…

Today, we give honor where honor is due:

“Today let us give honor to Your Son, for thus alone I find the you to You. Father, I lay no limits on the Son you love and You created limitless. The honor that I give to him is Yours, and what is Yours belongs to me as well…”

Friday, October 5, 2007

Lesson 279:

Creation’s freedom promises my own…

It’s always about what we identify with, yes? I identify my Self either as having my being in God, as Christ; the Son in which we are all one, and co-creator with the Father; unlimited, eternal and free be, created or even dream … Or, I identify myself as a victim born of a world in which I am but a pawn, striving to stay alive until the inevitable heavy hand of death snuffs my out, where the best I can hope for is temporary specialness; one-up on the other guy only to return to the humdrum of bad-hair days soon to follow… The ego mind is a seductive, sneaky little player; and if I want to believe myself the hero of its dream, I need time and space and winners and losers to play it all out…

I have tried on the identity of both for size. And truly, only one fits... and fits perfectly for all time...
The other?... not so much... It’s excruciating the pain and guilt and utter imprisoning futility of the other… Well, it’s just hell…

Absolute freedom is here, now, not in some future moment near or far. It is the decision to give up the ridiculous competition with God and grow up… Quit looking for answers and let reality be... It’s funny, in the ‘stop’, I found the Heaven I’d been seeking ‘out-there’~ right here, within, now…

I was only lost because I was trying to get somewhere… In reality, I am free… That is nature of creation… Creation’s freedom promises my own. Only my belief in limitation, scarcity and survival became my prison walls. Withdraw belief, and poof! ~freedom!~ Free is what I am…

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Lesson 278:

If I am bound, my Father is not free…

We are of course referring here to the perceived imprisonment of the mind through the belief in illusions... We identify with what we believe in. And if we believe that we are people in bodies, living in time and space, we cannot know our Self as God created us. And we certainly cannot know the magnitude we share with God. What we end up doing with our relationship with God, is we attempt to squeeze God into ‘small-mind’, assigning Him attributes we identify with, and some we don’t, then fearing what we don’t know and ultimately binding the mind from its natural state of creation. It is our free will to believe what we choose. But belief is not truth… belief is about where we place the focus of our attention…

Fidelity to premise is the law of mind. And if our premise is one of separation and limitation, we use fear to manage the relationship we have made with the God we have made up… Within the premise of separation, our options are limited to… well ‘specialness’ ~and separations sentinels; subject or object special relationships, special-love, special-hate… Exclusion plays a staring role, for without it specialness looses all meaning… Fear reigns… for the ‘other’ is the threat…

The premise of truth where love reigns, on the other hand, is all about inclusion. Each has looked within and seen no lack and therefore extends creative thought to join in holy gratitude for the glorious eternal relationship extended in creation of the Son by and with the Father…

Where, as the lesson says, truth is free…

Let’s just fine-tune the dial on our attention to the premise of truth, as we offer this prayer:

“Father, I ask for nothing but the truth. I have had many foolish thoughts about myself and my creation, and have brought a dream of fear into my mind. Today, I would not dream. I choose the way to You instead of madness and instead of fear. For truth is safe, and only love is sure…”

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Lesson 277:

Let me no bind Your Son with laws I made…

Every problem; every uncomfortable feeling, every sense that something is amiss, come from a split mind, temporarily identifying with the false; with an ‘I’-concept of self attempting to bind God’s Son with laws I made…

‘X’ happens and I say, “It should have gone Y”, due to some thing in this so-called world and some fancied results I think I want, always having to do with persons and circumstances, past and future… In other words, they are the children of the belief in the body and time and space…

What it is never about is the truth; the Self which is God’s Son as He created… LOVE!

Always, the instant I am willing to release my agenda back to the abyss of unknown and ask to be shown the meaning of what I behold instead of what the bodies sentinel brought forth, I realize my Self as dreamer of the dream and I have already changed my mind… In other words, I choose once again what He would have me be instead of dreams. And allow the miracle to work its magic in the mind of all concerned ~ which, of course, is the entire Sonship, since minds are joined and One in God…

Deeper still at the center of my being, zeroed into Now, I feel the peace of God and the recognition of the ever-present, unchanging, unchangeable, Self; God’s Son, who cannot suffer pain…

Here, now, always, beyond time and space and persons and bodies and illusion of any kind, I am resting in quiet certainty knowing I am that Son…I am aware I have never left, and you are there with me in Heaven where we are at home…

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Lesson 276:

The Word of God is given me to speak…

“My Son is pure and holy as Myself...”

Ok, so God’s Son (you and me) is pure and holy as God Himself… in other words, ‘I am as God created me… pure and holy and eternally unchangeable in nature due to Source Itself… Which is to say that what is Love; whole and innocent and eternal cannot be something else…tainted by imagination’s concepts and falsehoods…

Now, in terms of daily application, this really simplifies things. If I am experiencing anything that did not spring forth from this initial idea (God’s Son is pure and holy as Himself) as the fundamental cornerstone of my perception, then I need to stop and ask “What is the meaning of what I behold?” Then be still and listen…

Forgiveness will serve its meaning up to me in purified form and as I see you as myself, I know exactly what to do and say, for it is the present we now share…

Here, now, all I see is that you are my one Self in the holy exchange of the false for the true; the call for Love ~ Love answering…

We are as God created… this is the only message worth of sharing in this so-called world of for-getting and re-membering and for-giving and re-cognizing and real-izing…

YOU, my Christ brothers, are my holy relationship in this world as eternally in God… His Son is pure and holy as Himself…

And as messengers of God (which ultimately we all are), the word of God is given us to speak…

Monday, October 1, 2007

Lesson 275:

God’s healing Voice protects all things today…

Ultimately, I have no concerns… The Voice for God speaks to me, as with my brothers, all the time. Beneath the dynamic surface skin of time and space and persons and events, the calm assurance of perfection speaks to me; directing my thoughts, guiding my actions, healing my misperceived waves of unbelief, imbuing all seeming situations with the love of my being… the unifying Self which each brother and circumstance mirrors back to me.

Turns out it is easier to hear than I ever dreamed when I started this so-called journey of awakening… for it is the one constant… The Voice for God, quietly, powerfully, calling me to return home… And the feeling is nothing short of peaceful; a calm assurance that perfection is… and nothing can impede upon what God created.

I am as God created me… This statement, in short, represents the Word of God and the Atonement guaranteed that we would all remember fully~ the truth. So what is there to worry about? We can’t do it wrong… The Holy Spirit will correct all errors within our mind; reinterpret any misperceived situation and offer forgiveness’s picture of oneness instead…

My one job, so to speak, is to choose but God’s healing Voice instead of pain; be host to God rather than hostage to the ego… What do I have to loose? Nothing (literally). The ego voice (fingernails on chalkboard) really never had my best interests in mind… No, it had it own survival at stake, made real for me by my belief in it. My mistake was believing this to be myself… I was merely wrong~ about everything… What I found, was that in the surrender of thinking I know, the Voice for God obvious. It was clear and certain and constant… I can’t imagine how I ever missed it…

We can afford to give up control and lean back and let the Voice for God lead the way. Let today be a day where we look for the ways that God’s healing Voice protects all things with certainty and love in all our perceptions and encounters…

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lesson 274:

Today belongs to Love. Let me not fear…

Love is extension and creation… I find myself referencing the section in the text called The Origins of Separation, which serves up the miracle of the light of understanding to those willing to see… “God extended Himself to His creations and imbued them with the same loving Will to create... Created perfect, there is no emptiness in us… because of our likeness to our Creator we are creative. No child of God can lose this creative ability because it is inherent in what we are, but we can use it inappropriately by projecting… It reminds us that this world we think we live in is basically a case of the inappropriate extension, just an alteration in focus based on a false belief in what we are…a projection which occurs when one believes that some emptiness of lack exists, and that one can fill it with one’s own ideas instead of truth… This process involves the following steps:

First, we believe that what God created can be changed by our own mind.

Second, we believe that what is perfect can be rendered imperfect or lacking.

Third, we believe that we can distort the creations of God, including our self.

Forth, we believe that we can create our self, and that the direction of our own creation is up to us…

It tells that these related distortions represent a picture of what actually occurred in the mind that got us dreamed-up in the world of separation and fear in which we seem to find ourselves… It further tells us that all fear is ultimately reducible to the basic misperception that we have the ability to usurp the power of God. Of course, we neither can nor have been able to do this. Here is the real basis for our escape from fear. The escape is brought about by our acceptance of the Atonement, which enables us to realize that our errors never really occurred… whatever lies we believe are of no concern to the miracle, which can heal any of them with equal ease…there is no order of difficulty in miracles… In reality we are we are perfectly unaffected by all expressions of lack of love… “

Love: we spend our lives attempting to express and receive it…often in very convoluted ways. But the desire for knowing and extending the love that we are is the same pure extension of Source Love which is our creation… and why we are the children and parents of love.

For me, the journey has been so much about God, earning God’s Love… betraying it with my rules and guilt and entreating for forgiveness and praying for some intervention outside myself to infuse me with enough ‘self-love’ to do a better job… I begged for a day that I would not make mistakes of assassinating myself and others in the service of incompletion; sacrifice, competition and scarcity all in the compulsive effort to get love… Sounds insane, stated as it is without the disguise, doesn’t it. And insane it is…

But here’s what I came to realize through allowing the miracle, waiting for me just behind the insanity, the gift of accepting the Atonement for myself; it was but the premise from which I saw myself and therefore believed I was, that was insane.

Atonement turns the dial, so to speak, and cha-ching! I am no longer within the dream I thought so real, but rather the dreamer of the dream… And I am, as always, already, all love itself… and all perception finds itself in me… my brothers /myself…

Love is the Self, complete. Up till I real-ized every single ‘other’ as but the One which is myself, I didn’t understand love, for I didn’t really know myself as love. Inclusion is the watchword. Exclusion has no meaning in Love’s awareness… I actually thought it was something you could get or earn or even give… (Well ‘give’ isn’t that far off, except that to re-cognize the Self is to realize love only extends, and this is creation…)

All arises from LoveSelf… even illusion; for the ego and its world is just a thought, a set of ideas exploring the possibility of the impossible~ to separate from Source, and make oneself the source of It… And these ideas are but in the mind, which arises from the Self; from Love itself... The Atonement is GodLove’s guarantee... Atonement is the total commitment we make to let Love be itself and to let creation be exactly as it is…

I know it’s cliché, but: “With Love, all things are possible… There is nothing to fear…