Saturday, December 15, 2007

Lesson 350:

Miracles mirror God’s eternal Love. To offer them is to remember Him, and through His memory to save the world….

What does it mean to offer miracles? And what are the miracles we offer? Well, not religion sponsored in childhood; not walking on water or raising the dead … It turns out that miracles are merely natural acts of love seeking expression. (Which, by the way, was always, already our natural state, but for the prodigal wool of fantasized separation we pulled over our innocent eyes)

We offer miracles when we life instead of death; Love instead of fear… Miracles are sight cleansing; allowing us to see what is really there… Miracles turn the mind back to Source and we see our brothers as God sees them; loving and forgiving. So our actions reflect the oneness we share, taking direction from within~ regardless of the seeming circumstances…

Offering Miracles is the willingness to see through the constructs of water and death and walking and rising to the love within. It is being willing to see things differently; to trust that regardless of what I might think I see due to my beliefs, somewhere within/amidst the situation, is the one unyielding truth: God’s eternal Love is!

I don’t have to know how I will recognize its presence in any given situation… Love is what we are and it will recognize itself… I but need to want to offer miracle’s in place of all other responses, therefore allowing, Christ’s vision to rest upon all things, which brings to light the “I am as God created me and you are part of me” force of all creation, with in our mind.

Its funny, I started forgiving because, well, frankly, I was a pussy, couldn’t tolerate a lot of discomfort for long. When I saw a possible way out of it, I took it…. (Incidentally, up till I found the Course and therefore forgiveness; with meaning resonated to the core with, my ‘ways out’ always resulted in shame ~yuk)… Anyway, when I saw the falsehood of everything the way I had been looking at it, and experienced the relief of turning the dial to ‘miracles’; through forgiveness.

What rather rapidly began to happen, which I’m sure you can relate to, is that I just could not abide the feeling of holding grievances…. It just feels too icky…

Also, what I found out was that I didn’t have to make it (whatever they or the circumstance was) right in my mind, if I just exercised a little faith in a power greater than myself. If I could suspend my judgment ever so slightly and allow that the Holy Spirit, did know what was right for all~ And quite without reason, peace would come over me and I had a much better view of the big picture. WOW! I felt better immediately.

Not only that, it works virtually every time. I became able to let go and let God so to speak…

Needless to say, when I started this practice, I did it on shoestring faith without any idea that I was offering miracles or that it would be this simple exercise that would restore my faith in you and me and more. I never dreamed the gap I saw between us would begin to close and all the ideas of ‘specialness over oneness’ would meld into the Christ-melding-pot, as God’s eternal Love reality penetrated more and more of my mind.

I never I guessed that I would, as a result of ‘forgiving to feel better’, begin to remember God ~ nor did I foresee that that my insane busy mind would begin to still... That the memory of Him would come softly and terminally… everlastingly ~ that I would have moments of eternity where God’s Love erased all form and space and time; engulfing me (well, the experience of Son of God) in eternity, forever now….

And, that that would restructure my on-going experience with time and space and form…. That I would begin to identify more with the ‘Son of God’ indelible identity within rather than the ‘you/me’ with out…. Maybe, it’s because of the sense of reality, which too, I never dreamed would not seem solid any more as I had always believed. But rather, it has taken on the sense of being more a shadowy overlay mirroring belief…

I see my so-called life like a sort of reoccurring (or ongoing) lucid dream where I am aware, from above the battleground of the stream of events; where I can spot the false and choose the truth, instantly altering my perception and flooding me with love….

No, I wasn’t looking for that by forgiving…. But, it turns out, forgiveness, like lessons 122 and 121 say; offers everything I want and is the key to happiness.

No question, we are remembering God and the world is being saved …

Friday, December 14, 2007

Lesson 349:

Today I let Christ’s vision look upon all things for me and judge them not, but give each one a miracle of love instead.

I dearly love these last lessons, because they perfectly articulate the forgiven world from which I truly desire to experience life~ now …

They are succinct, yet open expansive and completion-ideas which not only appeal to the truth in myself, but show me by my responding in love and full acceptance and application, that indeed, it is my own true Self, in the Holy Spirit, from which they come…

It is easy to ‘lean back’ and trust from this place of surrender and acceptance. For I recognize that every aspect of the Atonement is playing out perfectly as God’s plan for salvation… blessing each and every brother, relationship, situation, and circumstance with miracles.

Oh, it is so delicious to taste the glory of God’s Love through just stepping back in mind and allowing Christ’s vision to visit the miracle of love upon the seeming events of the day… How freeing it is to have no agenda of my own that I would keep when clearly miracles bless me with the agenda the Holy Spirit unfolds for me instead…

In accepting the gift of forgiveness, and offering it, I feel my eyes soften into Christ’s sight of Love before me…. Solutions and direction unfolds in the perfect grace of God. I am eternally grateful and join all my brothers today in the hallelujah chorus of gratitude and praise to God the Father and His holy Son…

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Lesson 348:

I have no cause for anger or for fear, for You surround me. And every need that I perceive, Your grace suffices me…

Enough~ always, just exactly enough… A wonderful awareness of my coming home to my Self, which frankly, took me by surprise, was that there is always just enough; I always just right… It takes a bit of peeking beneath the covers of false identity and blaring horn of “more, more, more” which blasts constantly from the ego perception of the world… For the longest time, I felt haunted by ‘not-enough-ness’, feeling weak and unstable; always trying to do more seemingly to get more, always barely paying the price of admission to enoughness with it, yet never being able to add anything through my efforts that would take away the hollow emptiness and fear I ran from… Nothing really sufficed… I was merely caught up in a fantasy of false identity and had forgotten it was not my Self…

Finally, none of it mattered or meant anything to me… It seemed I lost my mind…

Then the miracle came softly and rested gently on my broken sight… What I saw within and beyond the crazy efforting, was what I call the zero-point; the eye of the storm, the empty fullness of potentiality~ Thank God I came to my senses! What characterizes every person, event or circumstance, for me today, is the grace of God which always, already, suffices…

To experience this grace, one need merely be willing to surrender all perceived needs as they steadily rise to awareness through forgiveness, and our tendencies toward defense of anger and fear, and allow trust to handle every problem ~now~ The light always dawns and we see that we have everything because we are everything.

We begin to experience the truth of today’s lesson: We have no cause for anger or for fear, for God surrounds us… And every need that we perceive, God’s grace suffices…

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lesson 347:

Anger must come from judgment. Judgment is the weapon I would use against myself, to keep the miracle away from me…

All judgment is self judgment. Every decision we make in our live is based on what we believe we are. Am I what I made of myself through the criteria of judgments the ego laid out? In other words, am I a body in a world of survival of the fittest...

Or, am I as God created me through extending His Love? Which would make me, basically, Love; the essence of life itself… What I decide determines what I will see. In the former, my perception comes after manifestation; leaving me at the mercy of what shows up and therefore what is available as far as resources goes, to make do the best I can to survive and hopefully, be happy…. In this scenario~ the more ‘stuff’, the better the success … Sounds pretty tenuous and insecure to me…

With the latter, identifying myself as the Son, which God created as Himself, my perception develops from within; taking form from the meaning or purpose of the situation. So what I see is part of me… and the purpose of life itself… The particulars of any circumstance or chain of events are seen as relevant only in so much as they serve the relationship to each other… Here, happiness rules, because it is not dependent on a state other than Now… Patience and certainty are present, because nothing is missing, for oneness is known.

The miracle allows us to make that shift from fantasy to reality in God; to see the false as false and only the truth as true... to experience our unity with each other as well as our oneness with Creator and creation.

This lesson is reminding us that when we experience anger of any kind, we have flip-switched to the false, attacking our true identity…And that by that decision, we are keeping the miracle at arms length… Luckily, at this stage of the game, we are generally quick to realize our error because any lack of peace is becoming increasingly intolerable. Plus, we know the restoration of peace and joy is just decision for forgiveness, away…

We judge because we’re afraid to trust. However, what we know now, is that this need not be. And we are willing to give up our defense against love and let anger dissolve into this instant where we are willing to listen… and in that stillness, we recognize the gentle Voice for God assuring us that He has judged… and that we are the Son He loves…

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Lesson 346:

Today the peace of God envelops me, and I forget all things except His Love…

Let’s begin with today’s prayer… It is just the sort of prayer that sets the goal of truth where it belongs… NOW:

“Father, we wake today with miracles correcting our perception of all things. And so begins the day we share with You as we will share eternity, for time has stepped aside today. We do not seek the things of time, and so we will not look upon them. What we seek today transcends all laws of time and things perceived in time. We would forget all things except Your Love. We would abide in You, and know no laws except Your law of love. And we would find the peace which You created for Your Son, forgetting all the foolish toys we made as we behold Your glory and our own.”
Ah, eternal PEACE! Couldn’t you just sit in the feeling this lesson brings, forever? Oh, yeah! ... We are.... Now is forever!

It is the nature of the peace of God to envelop all…. So, you see, even when we identify with the ‘me’ within the dream where there are subjects and objects, God’s Love extends to blanket us in peace. This is the truth in actuality, always.

Just stop in your tracks of time at any present moment, turn around on yourself, and be present~ This instant; right here, right now…. aahhh… you can’t miss it~ the peace of God has you surrounded, yes!? Real-izing this fact, is simply a decision as the dreamer for peace now, for the truth and nothing but the truth… It is always within reach. In fact, it is already present. One merely need return the mind to alignment.

Today, we decide for the truth; we accept Love as the only real experience, and the only one we want…. Here alone, can peace be known and brought forward in the dream. Who cares about the details of the dream? Never can we organize them to bring peace.

When I finally realized that ‘not-caring’ was really a very high thought; that the outcome was a sure as Love, I freed myself to be present. And in the present moment, I found my presence is what gave it life…

The funny thing about that is that without the burden of caring, I love deeply, play and laugh, interact, enjoy, get angry and forgive with ease. Because I can be with what is, instead.

Ummm… life’s yummy~ Being in Love with now! Within Now is the forgetting all things except God’s Love…

Monday, December 10, 2007

Lesson 345:

I offer only miracles today, for I would have them be returned to me….

For years I took the miracle on faith, choosing out of hopelessness and into hope. And gradually, miracles have altered my whole life; my total way of thinking, therefore seeing the world… And now, miracle-mindedness has become a habit you might say. I am ever awe-struck by how the Holy Spirit uses all the ego’s little tactics, like the addictive mechanism, for exactly the opposite purpose than they were made, healing the mind to wholeness through complete surrender to what is... We, as the characters in the dream, are already networked with the mechanisms once used for defense, and find another purpose; one of unity rather than separation, peace rather than competition, sameness rather than specialness ~till this is all we want~….

I want only the healed perspective. I want only to see unity where division once seemed so real.

Because of the single goal to see the truth set forth by my accepting Atonement for myself, I accept it for you, for we are one. The methodology I have at my disposal is the Miracle~ the correction of the error of seeing any interests apart from my own. ~I want only to see the false for what it is, denying its power, and leaving only the Christ we are as one. And in this one desire rests the miracle, which is now visited upon us both in grace, and with it deep abiding peace.

How joyous is the timeless gift of unending Love we experience by merely choosing to offer only miracles today.

Even on the level of this world, just slowing down our compulsive, competitive, thought system and therefore actions, and thinking of the ‘other’ choice; miracle-mindedness ~ the possibility of looking with only loving eyes/perception) already feels better. Geez, just softening our eyes and considering it, starts warming the heart, ~yes?….

I offer you only miracles for I would have them for myself~ otherwise I am blind…. Truth be know, I have no other goal to choose any more. No-thing else satisfies or raises the slightest interest for me…

Thank you for the miracles you have given and received…. Not one has been lost on me (or anyone in truth). I might have been (and still can be) a resistive study at times, but I have found that every loving thought merely awaits reception. Period. Like the ever-favorite quote from the Course says: “LOVE WAITS ON WELCOME NOT ON TIME”.

I bless you with miracles today…

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lesson 344:

Today I learn the law of love; that what I give my brother is my gift to me….

Isn’t this the constant, facing-up in life? We can’t get away from what we believe we are. We simply project it on to everyone and everything. Through devotion truth as the one and only goal, one begins the gradual dis-identification and detachment from the self-concept and its outer world of projected beliefs. We begin watching its train of events, without attachment or aversion… We recognize the false for what it is~ a transitory state of memory culmination in the Atonement.

Simultaneously, we realize the Self as the changeless, eternal witness…Miracle mindedness reinterprets the succession of circumstances through the eyes of love…

The constant fact I have seen again and again, is that Love is relentless; it will find its way to heal every relationship of any kind~ regardless of what might seeeem to be happening… With a little willingness and still patience, love always shows me that my brother is myself…

With even the slightest willingness to be shown, love sweeps in and reveals the yummy, peaceful perspective of oneness, where no one can lose. Loss is without meaning in our oneness.

Progressively, my awareness of Self has become my home… And beneath the surface of daily life, I notice I am filled with the awesome, presence of Christ light and a feeling of imperturbable joy. The surface forgiveness lessons that look like ‘you’ and ‘me’ and ‘situations of possible scarcity or difference; the antics of specialness and fear, unfold as false~ revealing them as simply beliefs being uncovered, and applied for healing oneness through forgiveness.

The groovy part is that I can no longer really be duped by the antics of the ego dream. I am the dreamer, after all… and somehow, I am always aware of this now. You know what I mean… The light of truth has been turned on, for I have answered to the call of love to complete itself… I deny the denial of truth and I can no longer deny Christ love as One Light allowing for reflection of belief to be seen.

Love is the constant awareness in Mind and makes the task of forgiveness joyous and abundantly alive. We are the Gift of Love to each other… Giving and receiving each other as one, is how we re-member our true identity in God… There is nothing I, for One, would rather be a part of… thank you for your never-ending gifts of love and forgiveness and grace…