Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lesson 287:

You are my goal, my Father. Only you…

I can say without reservation that this is true for me. Nothing else matters. In the final analysis everything else burns off, or burns itself up, leaving only the pure, the eternal, the Love of God…

So is it with each seeming goal within this so-called life… Each burns up its hungry pull and seductive trappings in the light of forgiveness.

The Course tells us that in any situation, it is critical to set the goal at the outset. When I became clear that there was but one goal; the one I share with God~ forgiveness became simplicities ‘big-easy’, which in itself inspires right-action and live is a joyous opportunity of ‘suit-up and show-up’ to fulfill my function of forgiveness. Then lean back as the miracle washes over everyone and circumstance.

I am blessed to have wiped-out my so-called-self, leaving room to full recognition of my Self in God…

God the Father is the full joy of my now, the breath I breath and the very love that beats through my heart uniting your love with mine and revealing Christ in every face and time… For heaven is where I rest in Him along with you…. Such is the endless joy of the one goal:

You are my goal, my Father. What but You could I desire to have? What way but that which leads to You could I desire to walk? And what except the memory of You could signify to me the end of dreams and futile substitutions for the truth? You are my only goal. Your Son would be as You created him. What way but this could I expect to recognise my Self, and be at one with my Identity?

Friday, October 12, 2007


The hush of Heaven holds my heart today…

“Father, how still today! How quietly do all things fall in place! This is the day that has been chosen as the time in which I come to understand the lesson that there is no need that I do anything. In You is every choice already made. In You has every conflict been resolved. In You is everything I hope to find already given me. Your peace is mine. My heart is quiet, and my mind at rest. Your Love is Heaven, and Your Love is mine…”

I need do nothing… This is an often used term with ACIM students. But do we really have more than mere concepts of what that means? This lesson speaks in harmony with the experience of peace that comes from accepting the Atonement for oneSelf… When we begin to see that what we thought was life, was the dream of death, and what we enjoyed as ‘special relationships’ were really the dream of exclusion and loneliness, we see also that all seeming problems are the same problem~ we think we that we have separated ourselves from our Source and therefore from each other and even split our own mind to attempt to identify with a false identity we made-up ourselves and simultaneously feel the power of the Atonement; that all falsehood has been given answer by the truth…

The peace and joy of Heaven are not far behind… With each forgiveness we offer, we feel the still peace the miracle blesses us with as we Christ’s face, which is our own, replace the ‘other’ with our love…

We were lost in the exile of denying the truth… but now, we deny the denial of truth and feel the hush of Heaven in the still belonging beneath the surface of the apparent reality which is being undone even as we forgive and bless…

What’s more, we are truly realizing the unified purpose of the Self we share. It is easier and easier to trust the ‘wholly certain goal’ and give our effort-ing to the Holy Spirit to use in behalf of the entire Sonship and the Atonement.

For just this instant, join me in breathing deeply into the hush of Heaven, already here, right now…

The hush of Heaven holds my heart today…

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lesson 285:

My holiness shines bright and clear today...

Ah, yes! This day, I am alive to the holiness which I had dreamed in time and space I had denied… In recognizing myself as the dreamer of the dream of unholiness and unhappiness, the realization of the Self; whole already, holigrapically expressed as the holy Love of God the father in creation as His Son is but my one Self, follows quickly into awareness, where stillness has replaced chaos…

This is my holy witness… I am as God created me and no dream has really changed that at all…

Let me ask you this; is there anything that recognition of our joyous holiness will not answer? Is there anything we think we want in this so called life, when it boils right down to it, but the happy things of God to come to us… to feel ourselves free of all guilt and feelings of completion and incompletion… we want only to feel the joy and innocence we know is must be our own, for these feeling come from within when we look deeply into a sunset, smell the fragrance of a flower or hold our infant child in our arms…

Today, we take it one step further and accept our holiness; totally surrendering to it in place of the old addiction to grief and pain which no longer fits us at all… And with this, we can lean back and we allow the happy things of God, that the thoughts of our holiness in God have lain before us…

This is our prayer:

“Father, my holiness is Yours. let me rejoice in it, and through forgiveness be restored to sanity. Your Son is still as You created him. My holiness is part of me, and also part of You. And what can alter Holiness Itself?”

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Lesson 284:

I can elect to change all thoughts that hurt…

This is the great gift of accepting the miracle, yes? Once we see through the disguises of the ego’s emergency death threats and realize that the thing all hurt, grief and pain have in common, is that they are false ideas about an anticipated situation we fear~ which also is false, we begin to instantly see the next step… We can elect to change a thought that hurts to one of forgiveness… Understanding that the Holy Spirit has got it wired for the return to love brings immediate peace…

I’ll tell you what, capitalizing on this gift (changing my mind ~ being willing to see things differently ~ reaching for the thought that feels better or even offers some relief ) has been, truly, a life-saver for me. And I mean that in every sense. I saw pretty quickly that the ‘mind-changing skill was worthy of practicing, honing and mastering…

So many bennies have come as a result. For instance, taking responsibility of changing my thought so I wouldn’t be in pain gave me a sense of accountability and integrity and lessened the desire to blame some one or situation for my circumstances…

And, the more I did it, the more I wanted that experience of feeling in my integrity and 100% responsible. I saw that forgiveness was the obvious avenue for the quickest investment in my happiness. This made me all the more willing to look more deeply into my core belief structure which brought these things about, serving them up as opportunities for happiness-by-way-of-forgiveness lesson accountability… which made me see that the script is written and the problem has been answered by the Atonement. And my changing my thoughts from fear to ones that allow love to express itself, which joins me with everyone and every thing… this is my part… So I can easily have faith in my brothers and that they are doing their part perfectly as well…

I am so very grateful to that I elect to change all thoughts that are not the truth of what I am and you are… and let the Holy Spirit handle the detail…

Father, what You have given cannot hurt, so grief and pain must be impossible. Let me not fail to trust in You today, accepting but the joyous as Your gifts; accepting but the joyous as the truth.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Lesson 283:

My true identity abides in You…

Today,can we allow identity be itself only, and not insist on the ''nothingness-identity overlays' we seemingly 'worked so hard to design in nowhere', and let our awareness rest in the beam if Christ that lights all creation and all dreams as well; always, already ~our true identity in God~LOVE!!!

Ah, yes! of course we can and will... for it is God's Will, which is our own...

Monday, October 8, 2007

Lesson 282:

I will not be afraid of love today…

How twisted is this? We deny our identity as Love, identify with fear and then spend our lives looking outside ourselves for the love we think we don’t have. And, make ourselves believe we are afraid to find it that we could… what, get hurt? That’s crazy! Love is what we are. It is our Spirit DNA, so to speak. It couldn’t really have gone anywhere… our being proves it out… the very awareness of thinking, proves us out… ~insanity~ Love holds space in its womb even for insanity, till we change our mind and recognize the truth…


Love is it. Period. The Father, His Son, Creation…

Even the slightest experience of the miracle; the simplest forgiveness, smallest or random acts of kindness puts one in touch with the love that is always, forever, the coded being-ness of what we are in truth.

Sanity visits the truth upon our mind the instant we want only truth… As we choose the miracle, instead of illusion, Atonement instead of death, all fear and its sentinel are seen for the shadow figures made to appear real and seem alive entirely by the smoke and mirrors of illusion…

Each one handled with the hands of Love, gently kissed with forgiveness, transforms fear to love. The tapestry of Love unfolds before our very eyes as vision is accepted and unity is seen…

Take the leap of faith if you haven’t yet, and find that there is nothing to fear as we join in the lesson prayer for the day:

“Father, Your Name is Love and so is mine. Such is the truth. And can the truth be changed by merely giving it another name? The name of gear is simply a mistake. Let me not be afraid of truth today…”

Sunday, October 7, 2007

7. What is the Holy Spirit?

I love that the Holy Spirit within our minds is and has always been, (since the beginning of time when it became necessary, that is) right there, reinterpreting, healing, and forgiving our misguided dreaming and believing…. Cuz as soon as one is finished with the game of bunkers-hill and quits the futile effort of making God an object of ‘competition for control’, and the wrong-mind is surrendered; right here, right now, is the Holy Spirit Voice, already, as always, righting the perception of one’s so called life and filling the listener with peace…

This is certainly my experience. When I became willing to recognize that I had been wrong… about everything, I realized that the Holy Spirit, which was the right answer, had been there all along, in the midst of every situation and circumstance. I had simply placed on my attention on false ideas instead of truth (placed on the inner alter) death instead of eternal life, fear instead of love, and therefore, that was the experience it rendered in place of Love and God…

What a relief! For me, the more I got into the forgiveness thing, the more I saw how very little my character is required to do to fulfill my function in God’s plan for salvation. My willingness, it turns out, ~whatever that level of willingness might be at the time, is enough, and will be used. For that matter, any and every thing I offer will be used… For it is the Holy Spirit that bridges the gap from what has already been accomplish in God and my recognition of completion in Him. In other words, it is the mere decision see instead of dream that changes for me, all situations into the “call from Love to Love that it be itself”… strangers to brothers and earth to Heaven…

Lesson 281:

I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts…

Boy, you really get this awareness up close and personal as you begin the active practice of mind-watching, forgiving and seeing differently, yes?!! What a blessing to see that we are not what we once imagined, and that no one else was either, but rather that we are all joined in a unified purpose to bring to awareness, Love’s eternal presence…

Today’s lesson prayer is a perfect reminder of the truth. Please join me in recognizing and aligning:

“Father, Your Son is perfect. When I think that I am hurt in any way, it is because I have forgotten who I am, and that I am as You created me. Your Thoughts can only bring me happiness. if ever I am sad or hurt or ill, I have forgotten what You think, and put my little meaningless ideas in place of where Your Thoughts belong, and where they are. I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts. The Thoughts I think with You can only bless. The Thoughts I think with You alone are true…”

In joy~