God is my Father, and He loves His Son…
This is not personal, you know~ It is a fact. Who can dispute a fact? Only opinions find conflict and only with themselves… and opinions, by nature, are not real…
God is Father ~first Cause~ the All-in-all… His Son; His effect…
It is the equivalent, in this world, as the sun is shinning, or the ground beneath ones feet…
I am God’s Son. Period… God extended His Love in natural creation and His Son is the result. There is nothing else…
Now, one could argue semantics certainly. But the beseeching nature of that request, already points to insanity… Does it not?
One knows what one is. ~It is~. The questioning essence is the mark of forgetfulness which is referred to in the Course and the tiny mad idea, where the Son remembered not to laugh, or the detour into hell…
Now, I’m interested in where this line of thought is going, so please bare with me and we’ll find out together.
At some point, even at accidental quieting of the mind due to exhaustion from futile ‘trying’ and running, etc., a prayer of truth finds a space to eek out room for the truth to real-ize… Mine was something like: “whatever is haunting me from behind the scenes of my so-called life that makes it impossible to satisfy, if you’re not there, I’m screwed~ cuz there’s got to be another way…” Today’s lesson is a clear, honest and present prayer of truth, coming form a place of willingness for the truth to be true: “My Name, O Father, still is known to You. I have forgotten It, and do not know where I am going, who I am, or what it is I do. Remind me, Father, now, for I am weary of the world I see. Reveal what You would have me see instead”.
See, as we begin to still the raucousness of the busy, little, strategic mind, we can’t help but notice that most of what we seemed determined to think, plan, regret and ‘learn from’, are just ridiculous, irrelevant ideas; designed to distract the mind from its natural state of stillness and beingness. In other words, sanity…
But then, simultaneously, we realize… we already knew that, too. Yes?
It begins to unfold, that one does, indeed, know oneself and it is merely a matter discarding (through forgiveness) the overlays of false ideas, to reveal the light of truth behind and within…
I am totally bored with the disillusionment of the so-called world story. How could it possible hold ones interest for long? As the Son, God created as Himself, this dream of death we call a life, is much too small and ridiculous to take seriously any longer… One can only throw up ones metaphorical hands in final surrender to the great Cosmic Belly Laugh…
This world now, where life is present, because only present, is… looks lovely as far and close as seeing eyes can see. The reflection of the face of Christ smiles back from the far reaches, and from as close as the beating heart; in completion of each holy instant, of each holy encounter.
There is only the fact; the truth…
God is my Father, and He loves His Son…