Saturday, July 28, 2007

Lesson 210:

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am as still as God created me.

I choose the joy of God instead of pain…

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am as still as God created me.

Here’s something I have learned. I can not hear the Voice for God from a pain point of reference. As long I am in pain; as long as I am thoroughly immersed in my belief in the state of pain; whether it be seemingly physical pain or emotional pain or mental pain (well, it’ all really mental now, isn’t it), no matter how sincere I ask for help, the answer eludes me. I have already the experience I want to be real for me ~ pain. And pain and the joy of God simply cannot occupy the same place.

I simply must choose again. It requires but an instant of suspended thought that I know what is, and the desire to see things differently. And that is enough. I have place the key in the door of the new perspective and the Holy Spirit within my mind unlocks and swings wide open the floodgates of my true nature of Love and the joy of God.

Now my seeming pain can be seen for what it is: a forgiveness lesson; merely as misperception about who I am and why I am here. And healing can begin.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I know it is a constant redirect process sometimes (a lot of times) because the seeming pain has got a sufficient hold, through practiced belief, in my mind. But that is just what it is: a practiced skill; the skill of shutting off the flow of joy that is my true Self. And mastering a skill does not change who one is in truth.

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am as still as God created me.


The rest is the restoration of the mind of God’s Son to the truth; unearthing every false thought ever believed and re-member-ing the authentic Self within it; re-uniting all the pieces within one holographic instant of prefect peace as the complete whole we are as one…

Today, let us let joy rip and listen to the Voice for God in gratitude and love for all our brother and our Self…

Friday, July 27, 2007

Lesson 209:

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

I feel the Love of God within me now.

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

The thing about faithfulness is that one has a clear point of reference. And we are faithful to what we value.

At this stage of the curriculum, we have begun to question all our beliefs and the values they represented, as well as the blind faith we had in them. As a matter of fact, we have likely opened our minds to the absolute insanity of the circular reasoning that held the values of survival in the mirage of falsehood… While the light of truth has begun to dawn… and with it, we feel the Love of God within us now…

Through forgiveness, we have begun to feel Love’s presence more and more as our natural state, shedding the shadows of the dark clouds of nothingness that slip easily away when their illusory content is exposed. The light of love is the feeling of our Self we feel as we let go our judgment of what is real; what is truth and false, and allow the Holy Spirit within our mind, which joins all minds as one, to judge for us. Trust is the natural result of faithfulness to purpose…

The love of God is what we are, what created us and what sets us free from all the trumped-up identities we have ever tried on for size, put faith in and now, forgiven…

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

We rest in the Love of God alone and it is from this place of peace we begin our day…

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Lesson 208:

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

The peace of God is shinning in me now.

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

As the lesson suggests, it is in our willingness to just simply be still; free of agendas and expectations, freeing our minds from all the busy thoughts of past and future and things and plans, releasing everything we think we know, quieting, calming, till we are in one single moment; that still point of light in the center of our being. Here we find the peace of God, shinning in us now. And let us just sit with that stillness, letting all physical sensations dissolve into the calm. And all that seemed to be around us settles in to the great ocean of peace we are now part of.

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

Can’t you feel the truth of this statement, from this calm resting place? Here we are at home, in the center of all our creations and miscreations. With our attention fully centered on the light of peace within, we see with the Holy Spirit’s perspective, what the path before us is…

Let us use this practice today, to again remind us to still our minds and listen and wait for full expansion of peace and joy and trust, before make decisions or plans, allowing the Holy Spirit within our minds to take the lead…

The peace of God is shinning in us now and we shine that peace on all the world as is its natural extension…

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lesson 207:

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

I bless the world because I bless myself…

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

Joy is my natural state. Forgiveness allows for me to let go all resistance to experiencing the fullness of this joy that I am. In other words, to release the blocks to love’s awareness, accepted within the mind with acceptance of a belief in identity not my own.

Now, this is what I have come to see: the more I forgive the false by merely recognizing that if it doesn’t feel good, it isn’t true and simply giving the situation over to the Holy Spirit for correction, letting go all expectation of what that correction might look like, leaning back, and letting the Holy Spirit show me; the more I trust that what is, right here, right now, could be the only perfect way things could go for the good of all. And the simplicity of letting joy rip is at ready access as the experience of my Self. So this becomes the way I bless myself and therefore the world.

This is the blessing methodology of the miracle. I bring the darkness I have been hiding in, from and believing in, to the Holy Spirit’s light. How do I know what to bring and when? Any time I feel any kind of alteration the pure, full-on flow of joy, it is right there: forgiveness lesson opportunity.

Always, this results in feelings of camaraderie with all involved and a warm glow of peace… at the least. So who wouldn’t do it, if they knew how much more of what they really want, comes through forgiveness rather than competition? Who wouldn’t take the deal, if they knew? My blessing is to bless everyone I encounter with my Self as the presence of this choice, and unite with the Self in them, blessing me again in return. Joy is always the natural result…

Thank you, my brothers who are one with me.

We are not a body. We are free.

For we are still as God created that we be…

Joyous, happy and free…

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lesson 206:

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

Salvation of the world depends on me.

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

It is significant to note the feeling behind the feelings and experiences of our daily lives, while we give over these days this review section of the lessons to this one thought; I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me; allowing it to background all our seeming experiencing. This one thought held with attention in mind literally lifts the vibrational resonance of our experiencing. It sort of cushions the sharp objects, so to speak, giving everything a questionably solid feel. So subtle is it that, if not tuned into, one might not full appreciate that anything is happening at all. But I notice that my attention is getting ever better and I am more and more familiar with the textural essence shift that takes place when I am surrendering to truth. This is a very powerful time in our learning. We have left the safety of the form-world as the core of our ‘reality-structure’, and placed our faith in the eternal now, beyond it, to give us new definition and substance. And we are beginning to favor and trust the new perception we receive within the present moment as we forgive the old… We are beginning to feel ourselves part of the grand tapestry of interwoven eternal life and love… and specialness is loosing its value in favor of oneness… Yes?!

We are seeing how each and every aspect of this tapestry (of sonship) is absolutely essential to all. And we can now place our faith in our brothers and in our selves, that we will and are, doing our part in God’s plan for salvation of the world.

Salvation of the world depends on me… How could it not? The world is in my mind… the mind I share with you... in Heaven where we reside forever, eternally now…

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me….

Monday, July 23, 2007

Lesson 205:

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

I want the peace of God…

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

Is there anything that wouldn’t be resolved, given the peace of God? The thought; the peace of God, alone, has releasing and restorative properties. Replace any thought with this one thought: the peace of God, and instantly feel a sense of proportion, hopefulness, and calm… Even the symbols of the words: the peace of God, seem to carry tranquil properties.

The peace God… The peace of God... The peace of God…

Consistant leaning in the direction of the peace of God, by merely placing our attention on it instead of something else, brings a feeling of serene comfort, unparalleled by anything one can find in this world. As a matter of fact, behind all the ‘using’ and ‘bettering ourselves’ and winning games, aren’t we ultimately just looking for the experience of peace; total, unmitigated peace?

As the seat of our being begins consistently to reside in the experience beyond the seeming ‘physical experience’ playing out at any particular time, where we have our attention directed toward the unknown, or the Holy Spirit’s domain; the more at home we become with the essence of a situation, being more ‘real’ than its physical characteristics. We being to sense that it is ‘the peace of God’ which is carrying us through from one forgiveness lesson to the next…

It is this calm assurance that lets us release the death grip we have on the belief in scarcity and survival, and begin to lean back and trust…

The peace of God statement given in this lesson has at times, gratefully, positively, served as a sort of mantra to navigate some pretty stormy waters in my life. Please join me in reviewing it now:

“The peace of God is everything I want. The peace of God is my one goal; the am of all my living here, the end I seek, my purpose and my function and my life, while I abide where I am not at home.”

It is our inheritance to reside in the peace of God, and when that too, becomes consciously, our only goal, which is the same as truth; we feel its influence evermore consistently throughout all the workings of our lives…

And gratitude follows naturally, as the path is laid before us, one now at a time…

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Lesson 204:

I am not a body. I am free

For I am still as God created me.

The Name of God is my inheritance.

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

It is the destiny of each and every one of us to think as God thinks; to see from His perspective… to know and to Love as God so loved, that His extension of that love became our one Self… We can not fail in this, for that is why we are here. When all things have been re-called as one in His Name, and seen with forgiven eyes; in their pure form, as they are beneath the projections we have placed on them, we will know our inheritance, and find Heaven; right here, right now.

You might already have seen it happening. I know I have.

Where once I looked about me and saw only competitors; sides, and winners and losers, I look about me and see only brothers. I see that it is only through my brother’s willingness to shine their light that I might see my own. I see the beliefs and values I once held as shadows, easily dispelled with one forgiving thought. It is the inheritance we share, I see in my brothers, for that is all I now want to see. And I have the tools, and the Holy Spirit who has all power to transform any potential un-comfort, to the peace of God, to guarantee completion.

I see Miracles truly are replacing all error in my mind and in the mind of God’s one Son. And gratitude fills my being. I am free.

The Name of God is my inheritance…

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me…