Saturday, September 29, 2007

Lesson 273:

The stillness of the peace of God is mine…

For the longest time, I just wanted to get to that place… the place my mind imagined ‘the stillness of the peace of God’ to be. And try as I might, it seemed to continue to elude me… Then periodically, when out of helplessness to affect anything for myself, I’d throw my hands up, so to speak, quit trying, and for an instant that stillness; that peace of God would seem to find me… Until, of course, I tried to hold on to it… Then, back to the same old yearning; the same old trying… the same old lack of peace…

Here’s what finally awakened in me… You can’t get what you already have… The stillness of the peace of God is mine… Sit with that…

Always, just beneath the surface, stillness rests undisturbed by the mind-body dance. No matter what seems to be going on; what the order of thought, the judgment of value within the drama of my so-called life, just beyond, just beneath, I rest undisturbed and complete, in the stillness that is God forever one with me.

I had just developed the bad habit of believing that illusions were reality and therefore focusing my attention on myself as a character of the dream. Once questioned from every possible direction; turning every belief-stone, probing and forgiving all that wasn’t love, its solidity crumbles… disillusioning the falseness of the body-mind reality.

It has merely been a matter of developing a new habit; the habit of engaging with God~ being present to my relationship with Source; pulling the focus inward and placing my attention on what was always, already there… The turntable thought is ‘what do I value and how much do I value it?’…

Love is what I value… The stillness of the peace of God… is what I value… and it is mine…

Undisturbed tranquility… as the lesson suggests, it is within, always. Today, let’s dismiss the old habit of focusing on the impermanent; the false feelings that disturb… and focus-up, focus-in, and rest in the stillness of the peace of God… that is our own…

Friday, September 28, 2007

Lesson 272:

How can illusions satisfy God’s Son?...

“Father, the truth belongs to me. My home is set in Heaven by Your Will and mine. Can dreams content me? Can illusions bring me happiness? What but Your memory can satisfy Your Son? I will accept no less than You have given me. I am surrounded by Your Love, forever still, forever gentle and forever safe. God’s Son must be as You created him.”

This lesson is one of only two lessons (both under the section: What is the Christ?)which are stated as questions… Only the Son of God can answer them. Only the Christ knows.

Illusions of the self, or the self-concept, in other words the false, which then form what it desires, cannot understand satisfaction. It can want and crave and make itself a slave to craving, engaging the addiction mechanism of obsession and compulsion, adequately distracting one from truth and making the false seem imperative by enacting the death script and instilling the fear of God. But distraction isn’t satisfaction… The self-concept cannot identify with truth and only truth can satisfy what is truth.

We are as God created us… His Will is our own… And, nothing but doing God’s Will ever satisfy Christ, the Son of God. Period… Can we just for once and all, strip down and let go all fancy of illusion’s childish dreams of a life apart from God, and rest in the belly of the truth?

Let’s get off it and quit pretending… How can illusions satisfy God’s Son? We know the answer. We are truth: Christ, the holy Son of God… we are the very meaning of satisfaction; for in our creation is our Father’s completion… And illusions are, well… illusion are really nothing…

Thursday, September 27, 2007

What is Christ?

Lesson 271:

Christ’s is the vision I will use today…

Ya know, once you really get rockin’ and rollin’ with forgiveness… looking for the quickest route back to love’s awareness in every given situation. When the transient and flash no longer attract and only what is permanent and that can be shared with all is found to be meaningful. When the mirror of brotherhood is anticipated with wholehearted joy on a daily basis and resistance has lost its appeal, for the brotherhood mirror of one’s mind is seen with pure and innocent and accepting eyes; for what is seen is nothing less than the face of Christ… life really begins to get interesting… wouldn’t you say?... I say…

The appreciation I feel for the full participation of each and every member of the Sonship, doing his part, lifts me into the timeless contentment of the peace of God… is truly beyond what words could express. But, thank God, not beyond what Love can extend and therefore find expressing in the little and the grand… whatever Christ can use…

Each day I make the choice which is no choice in eternity, but the essential choice within the concept dream of days. I decide it is only Christ’s vision I will use to see what He would have me see… And everywhere I look; I can’t help but see love exchanging itself through seeming acts of kindness and gratitude. So too, I see love’s exchange in calls for love in what seem to take the form of ‘problems’; that love might have the chance to answer, whispering “you are not alone, for we are one in Christ, so this ‘problem’ could not be”…

Each day I see personhood melt into Christhood as forgiveness heals my sight and all around me…

The changeless wholeness of the Christ within reaches but unto itself… it’s so obvious…

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Lesson 270:

I will not use the body’s eyes today…

Today we practice ‘seeing with’ instead of ‘looking at’. We make no assumptions of reality, about what the body’s eyes report. Instead we place their images upon the touchstone of forgiveness and wait in quiet expectancy for Christ’s vision to reveal their meaning and usefulness for good, for all… And, of course, in the instant we no longer assume we know, a new perception; one which fills the heart with unity and joy, and reveals the reason for our being at this perfect place at this perfect time…

We have an ease about us, which is spontaneously inviting to all around us… Facts the body’s eyes report cannot answer why this is so. But the Christ in each and every one of us is merely allowed to see itself in the shinning brilliance of the Son of God…

What we are aware of is a deep abiding peace…

Sure, on the screen is written the script and the forgiven script; with all the characters and dramas required for the completion of the Atonement in even the minutest particle and wave of the dream we call our life on earth… But we are not the drama dream, but its dreamer. We are the Christ; the pure Son which God created like Himself.

It is easy to live relatively detached from the drama itself when our focus is only on its forgiveness…

So, there is no reason for apprehension… Lets just dive in… forgive what the body’s eyes report and splash and play in the joy and peace and bliss of seeing through the eyes of Christ…

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Lesson 269:

My sight goes forth to look upon Christ’s face…

This is the prime directive, is it not? We are looking for what we are looking with and we are Christ; united in one purpose in this so-called world: To look upon the face of each and all seeming situations and circumstances and see the light of Christ, in other words, Love, shining within and beyond.

So the first order is that we decide with the Holy Spirit and take this directive from Love itself. It’s not that the body’s eyes don’t see what they were designed to see as far as details in the illusion, that’s the forgiveness lesson, showing us what is in our mind, blocking love’s awareness… It’s just with forgiveness as the goal, we don’t take what its perceptions tells us as ‘true’ without evaluating it upon the touchstone of Christ love.

This means to say that we go within for interpretation and meaning. And our feelings will tell us if we’ve gone deep enough; if we have surrendered false goals for the single purpose… Peace and Joy, patience and trust are the gifts of rest we find when we do… Outcomes and specifics loose their meaning, for we seek only our one Self in Love.

So forgiveness becomes our sighting mechanism, so to speak... We sight in our given ‘target’ and if we are experiencing anything but love, then our sight is off. We then ask our guide (Holy Spirit) to assist in zeroing our forgiveness sights, and we wait…. Always, a miracle is soon to follow. As we are shedding our preconceived perception of the situation, the miracle soon reveals the truth, which was there all along, just merely shrouded in a cloak of falseness and fear.

Today’s lesson prayer is the perfect beginning of a perfect day in the forgiven world:

I ask Your blessing on my sight today. It is the means which You have chosen to become the way to show me my mistakes, and look beyond them. It is given me to find a new perception through the Guide You gave to me, and through His lessons to surpass perception and return to truth. I ask for the illusion which transcends all those I made. Today I choose to see a world forgiven, in which everyone shows me the face of Christ, and teaches me that what I look upon belongs to me; that nothing is, except Your holy Son.

Today we join prayer, as we join in our constant prime directive:

Our sight goes forth to look upon Christ’s face…

And that is all we’ll see…

Monday, September 24, 2007

Lesson 268:

Let all things be exactly as they are…

In other words; I no longer desire to separate; split off and imprison specs of nothingness in imaginary label boundary prison walls, secure them with concrete belief marshals, and then and run as fast as I can. Did it for lifetimes… take my word… futile…

I am done with the childish game of bunkers hill; of all our defining and labeling subjects and objects, people and situations, and then living in response to what the labels mean, rather than living authentically. When I say living authentically, I cannot mean anything of this world, although it includes it all. True Authenticity belong to the Creator and remains as it is, and it is only from this which I receive my being. So when I say living authentically, I am only saying it as another way of saying l let all things be exactly as they are; which is to say, taking meaning only in what really is, from the experience of love itself, in each now.

‘Let all things be exactly as they are’, loops us back ‘round, all over again, to the first couple lessons we started with; ‘Nothing is see…means anything’... ‘I have given everything I see… all the meaning it has for me…’ yet from a more complete place. For we are no longer wholly insane and we are open to Christ vision within our mind to give us sight to see and experience…

We are naked creation; undefined and indefinable, and yet impossible to miss experiencing. When I give my self over completely to let all things be exactly as they are, and drop the cloak of self identity, the beauty of now is too grand, too gorgeous, too ‘incredibly, the lightness of being’, I can only sit here~ dispersed into all that is: exactly as it is… obvious and one… God is…

And that is all…

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lesson 267:

My heart is beating in the peace of God…

Oh my, the love, the total sweep of oneness that expands and lifts in glorious appreciation and completion, the experience this message lift one to…

I just love this: “surrounding me is all that God created in His Love. It calls to me in ever heartbeat and in every breath; in every action and in every thought. Peace fills my heart, and floods my body with the purpose of forgiveness. Now my mind is healed, and all I need to save the world is given me. Each heartbeat brings me peace; each breath infuses me with strength. I am a messenger of God, directed by His Voice, sustained by Him in love, and held forever quiet and at peace within His Loving Arms. Each heartbeat calls His Name, and every one is answered by His Voice, assuring me I am at home in Him...”

Hallelujah! Could we be more secure? Could certainty of love and safety be any closer than a heartbeat or a breath in this dream of bodies and brothers? We can truly lean back and wait for Forgiveness’s Voice to tell us what to do in each seeming situation… It has been done; complete in the Atonement already. We can’t get it right… We can’t get it wrong… But we can look with loving or fearing eyes; see our unity or division, see separate goals or see forgiveness unifies into one glorious purpose of remembering that we are as God created...