I call upon God’s Name and on my own…
So here it is; the way to escape to reality:
“Repeat the Name of God, and call upon your Self, Whose Name is His. Repeat His Name, and all the tiny, nameless things on earth slip into right perspective. Those who call upon the Name of God can not mistake the nameless for the Name, nor sin for grace, nor bodies for the holy Son of God. And should you join a brother as you sit with him in silence, and repeat God’s Name along with him within your quiet mind, you have established there an altar which reaches to God Himself and to His Son.
Practice but this today; repeat God’s Name slowly again and still again. Become oblivious to every name but His. Hear nothing else. Let all your thoughts become anchored on this. No other word we use except at the beginning, when we say today’s idea but once. And then God’s Name becomes our only thought, our only word, the only thing that occupies our minds, the only wish we have, the only sound with any meaning, and the only Name of everything that we desire to see; of everything that we would call our own.”
We do only this one thing today; we offer our lesson practice and let time slip away as it is engulfed in the timeless essence of the eternal…One name, one thought, one meaning one life; the one we share as one.
It seems too simple a thing to simply redirect the wandering mind back to God’s Name and let its meaning light what we see and feel and experience. And it is simple. In fact it is the most natural condition available to us in this world, because it rests in the beyond, the being-ness, is-ness, am-ness. Experience is proportionate to our earnest willingness.
I have been graced with the experience of the world dissolving into God, and myself with it. In fact, it might be the only ‘real’ experience I have had. Within it I am…
I find myself thinking about the book Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein as I’m coming out of meditation this morning. It was the first “fiction” book I read that I felt contributed to my experience of life since I began my so-called spiritual path. And actually, this marked a complete change of mind about the purpose of so-called fiction, for me. Anyway, why I think it came to mind, was that the mantra I took from it was: Thou Art God… All that is, is God… I was moved by the absoluteness of this statement; not taking it to mean that one was Creator, but of the One, and inseparable from, Creator, and that until we recognize the One-Creator-ness in everyone and even the minutest thing (like a table), we are unaware of the true reality in which we live.
I notice the light of God’s name is the light in the mind-projector of this so-called life, when tuned in; one can’t miss its incredible beauty. It’s impossible. It is our eyes! And too, when we are tuned to God’s Name, the possibility of separateness diminishes in favor of the obvious inheritance given all in virtue of His Name. We are the One…
We call upon God’s Name and on our own…
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