I will receive whatever I request…
Here, I sit, with today’s lesson working its magic in my mind… I am feeling full and light… And part of what keeps coming to my mind is chapter 30 in the text. Section entitled; Rules for Decision. OMG, I cannot describe what a precious source of perfect, specific as well as general, this guide has been for me… It is so completely contrary to the very make-up of the ego-self, to be clear on any thing. The entire ego thought system, after all, was made for precisely the opposite. So, in other words, asking the self of this so-called life what it wants and what will make it happy is futile. And really nothing… what a waste of perfectly good life force, eh? Oh, sure the ego is a great ‘used-vehicle’ type salesperson; shape-shifting when necessary to play the role of motivational speaker and counselor… and maker–of-promises.
However, there is no unity in division, no clarity in confusion. Going to the source of unhappiness for the umpteenth time for ‘a new plan’ for happiness, is the very definition of insanity, yes? … Doing the same thing over and over; expecting different results…sound familiar?
The Course bypasses engagement in this common, redundant thinking, and it delivers it message directly to the part of the mind which is ready to receive. Even when we feel we don’t understand, what I have seen is that it delivers and waits till my forgiveness opens that part of my mind where the wisdom of its message patiently waits for my wholehearted welcome…. So many times, haven’t you, as I have, experienced that ‘ah ha!’; so that’s what the Course meant about that’ kind of moment? It speaks directly to right-mind…
Now, referring specifically to the Rules for Decision section, for many years I fell under the category, it addresses:”…if you find resistance strong and dedication weak, you are not ready”. I hated for this to be true about me, and often I lied to myself that I was ready, but results always revealed the discrepancy… You can’t hide from what you have given value to… it shows up in your life, regardless, because thoughts create things…
However, in moments of non-resistance I found that I could certainly follow the very next instruction”
And here’s the thing, in spite of myself, or was it in-spired of my-Self, truth has become my single goal; regardless of what things look like externally, somehow that zero-point of love is always present at the center of my mind. In revisiting the process laid out in Rules for Decision, as I have, oh so many times, I am profoundly moved by the miracle; I found that somewhere along the line, the kind of deep abiding peace and joy, I glimpse in this practice, I was now coming to recognize as my natural state… I had been willing and ready and able to remember and apply its principles as part a natural part of my life of forgiveness, and just allow, not needing to understand or figure out….
I invite you all to join in the yummy treat of reviewing this section, Rules for Decision along with today’s lesson. The goal, after all, belongs at the beginning… So, if we want to set the day right~ aligned in truth~ that is, for the best possible application of today’s lesson: ‘I will receive whatever I request’ , why not take advantage of the specificity of this exercise? The directions, after all are for the un-perfect mind that will inevitably attempt them (as is the entire Course, thank you, Jesus)… Today I join with you in accepting Atonement through the means appointed us… I offer all my love and faith~
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