Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Lesson 354:

We stand together, Christ and I, in peace and certainty of purpose. And in Him is His Creator, as He is in me…

Christ is what is; the true within my Self…as God created. And God has but One Son, fully whole as Christ. When I remember what I am in truth, I remember Christ. And I do this by seeing through your story and the labels that make up this world~ to the Christ within; forever shining the light of understanding and love… When the story ceases to have meaning and the single purpose of unified joy has given meaning to the present moment~ infinity… Christ, like God, is the name for what cannot be named… only experienced, as is…

Love is the experience, Creator and created… Here’s what I’ve noticed, only what can be shared allows joy to flow, uninhibited… and only the ministry of love can be shared. ~ I thank you for joining me in the one purpose we all share in Atonement…

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