Monday, February 12, 2007

“God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him…”

Lesson 43:

“God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him…”

ONLY THIS COULD BE TRUE! I am as God created me! And noting else is true or ever really happed at all. Turns out, the quickest way between two points is to SEE ONLY ONE POINT ~GOD… And forgiveness has given me this... Forgiveness is the way for me…

Ah, to look with gentle laughter upon what was once a “real” prison with me as prisoner and jailor~ And all the rest of ancient fear played over and over; an obsolete film reel, playing an obsolete film~ where I actually think I’m it… Ha! “The Comedy of Errors”, famous for its ability to enthrall… Ha! Just a movie…silly me… Ha! The long awaited, great cosmic belly laugh…

Ah, deep breath…

God is my Source~ I cannot see [at all] with out Him…

I have finally seen that any attempt to do so, is not really seeing at all. Any attempt to experience any thing but God’s love ~ extending…is no experience at all…. still we attempt the impossible… until we don’t.

There is no way to avoid the necessary steps that bring about the reversal of our thought system from one of fear, back to its natural thinking pattern ~LOVE~ thought by God, with God… God is our Source ~ we cannot think apart from Him. This reversal has to be addressed to the reality one believes oneself in and this is done through looking with the Holy Spirit from our Source… The answer, which is the one illusion, which finally ends all illusions…FORGIVENESS!

I am so drawn by eloquence as well as my experience to the forgiveness section in the Workbook entitled “What Is Forgiveness?”

My ingenious ego-mind was always looking for a short cut. Which incidentally, upside-down as always, turns out to be a long way around with much sacrificing and suffering and loss, much proving of worthiness~ Turns out, FORGIVENESS IS THAT SHORT-CUT! Forgiveness erases the idea of separate-nesses; separate forms and bodies, people, personalities, and things, of specific circumstances and situations, of hierarchies and special ness of any kind, and blends with sameness; all the seemingly endless, forms and colors and meanings on the canvas into ONE picture ~sketched with One content, with One purpose. It is all the same~ illusion. It all asks for the same review. To be seen with our Source… that we might understand, so that naturally the light of understanding gives way to knowledge.

It is my function to forgive~ to offer my little willingness to be shown~ to look through the eyes of Christ by way of the Holy Spirit in my mind~ the Answer ~ given instantaneously by my Source, the instant the idea of this illusion seemed to arise.

I accept the Atonement for myself and you are all already there with me. Forgiveness is the way for me ~I let myself see the false as false~ and know that only truth is true. ONLY TRUTH IS TRUE. God is my Source ~ the Source of truth ~ I am as God created me ~this is the truth…

Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world”… It’s so simple really, if it’s not absolute Love ~ it is a call for love ~ and it is all the same… all part of the experience of the forgiven world where CONSISTENT JOY RULES… All Glory to God, our Source~

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