Lesson 172:
God is but love, and therefore so am I…
Once given wholeheartedly to this one eternal truth, all else dissolves into the turning of mind to only Love., I notice how simple it is to quietly rest in this idea and let everything else slip away from mind. It is so compelling it draws me deeper. It feels absolutely safe and complete and whole. Thought seems not to want to muster itself into symbols of this world in representation in mind. Nothing can harm what is everything. Now, this is freedom…
In my defenselessness my safety lies…
What is there to defend, when love has filled the emptiness that seemed to be within, making desire for something without, irrelevant? If I allow my mind to slip in to the sleep of believing in other-hood and person-hood, I loose my identity; here, now in the present Love of God~ One Self= brother-hood… Remembering and demonstrating through the ministry of my daily life, requires my focus remain in the stillness of my being. ~God is but Love, and therefore so am I~
With attention on being, Love fills the ‘gap’ between my brothers and myself with the stillness of our oneness in Him. We are one. We are by nature, the ministers of His Word among the sleeping… gently waking with the peace of God that recognizes its own. Once we have heard the call of Love beckoning that we awaken to Him, and once (even for an instant) answered, our ministry is set… The Holy Spirit is directing the ‘big’ picture, and we can lean back into the love that we are and trust…
I am among the ministers of God…
We are united with our Creator, Who created only like unto Himself; the Love that is creation.
God is but love, and therefore so am I…
God is… therefore, I am…
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