Father, today I am Your Son again…
This is a day in which we ‘lean into’ the reality of the truth. Of course we are God’s Son, today and ever more; in truth, where time and space exist not at all and wholly unaffected by a day in time, we have our being in God.
However (t0 state the obvious), the mind has sufficient attention here in this illusion of world and time and space and peoples and things; full of doing and regretting, worrying/planning and forgiving. Salvation, here, is about where we place our faith. Having placed it in the observable, and found it wanting (usually culmination in disillusionment), one comes to request ‘another way’… Here, now (as in the beginning), it is given… And all manner of opportunity to see differently begins delivery…
When ready, one places one’s faith, wholeheartedly in, well, what looks like, we choose one idea beyond the tangible; one idea that feels us into an experience of our Self in the ultimate realm which could only be pointed to as ultimate Love. Of course it is a glimpse; a holy instant… but it is enough. (Enough to make nothing, just of this world, satisfy anymore…)
It is here, in this holy instant, that we make the decision we must make, for the answer has already been given. We choose once again; deciding to trust this instant of truth’s lead in deepest honestly, following it to its ultimate culmination… in God.
The gifts received along the way are the negation of all we once believed; reviewing, scrutinizing each under the light of truth and watching it dissolve into forgiveness, like sugar in hot water, making our drink from the cup of life, sweet and refreshing. Gratitude and oneness become a part of every experience and a natural outpouring from trusting truth as the guide…
everyone will make it tio heaven if they believe.
Yes indeed. As a matter of fact, we could not really lose Heaven, only our awareness of it, and only temporarily. For God has saved the truth of the Love that we are for us, to bring into full awareness, when we are ready... And Heaven with it...
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