Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lesson 259:

Let me remember that there is no sin.

Ya know, that little skill; remembering that there is no sin, not in me, not in you, and not anywhere at any time…(not in reality) has done worlds of good for me in assisting me with the follow-through of my decision to ‘let all things be exactly as they are’. It reminds me that nothing is as it appears because appearance itself was designed to distract the mind from the true and fixate it on the false through the mechanism of belief.

Here’s what I’ve come to see. Sin is insanity. If my experience of a situation is subjective in anyway, sin has got its hook in it. If it can be judged and a hierarchy of values set, my mind is fixed in the realm of falsehood and the Holy Spirit is already at the ready with that moments forgiveness opportunity ~ the gift within the wrapping the, so to speak~ the present-love within…

Also, I find my mind is returned to awareness of the Self that I remain, though my mind gave way to temptation to take appearance seriously for an instant. Furthermore, by delving deeper into present awareness, I see that I was still aware during the ripple of so-called sin across the mind of consciousness, and I have remained unaffected, for I am still as God created me…

God is… And when insanity has been put aside, the goal of God too has gone… For God is and His Son is one with Him…

Father, I would not be insane today. I would not be afraid of love, nor seek for refuge in its opposite. For love can have no opposite. You are the Source of everything there is. And everything that is remains with You, and You with it.


froggy said...

awesome sweet I like it like that!

danét said...

ummm~ thank you... thanks for joining...