Sunday, January 6, 2008


“I am upset because I see something that is not there”....

With out exception, this has been the case for me. I am seeing a reflection of my mind… always. The Course says that the outside world is a reflection of an inward condition… and this has truly been my experience, the more I have given myself over to the Holy Spirit for the miracle over-haul, the more different every thing, person or situation appears to me than it did when looked as from the eyes that see a problem to fix. The miracle shows there is no problem that hasn’t already been solved and is playing out such that ‘all thing work together for good’… And since there isn’t anything out there, whatever I think I am seeing ‘out there’, I put there. It is my projection, and from my dream and the ‘out there-ness’ is my chance to see what I have denied ~what I have projected. I can see it because of the Light of Christ, within all~ joined in the One perspective (forgiveness or the Atonement principle), which we all share. The more I look at everything and everyone ‘out there’ through this One perspective, the more I realize that ‘seeing’ is only valuable once I have given all I think I see over to this idea. And that cracks open my defenses and allows the Holy Spirit within my mind to ‘show me’ what is there~and what it is for…

I am joined with you in this perspective and the ‘Happy Dream’ is on…

Always and forever~

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