God, being Love, is also happiness
Let me remember love is happiness, and nothing else brings joy.
And so I choose to entertain no substitute for love.
I seek but what belongs to me in truth.
Love is my heritage, and with is joy.
These are the gifts my Father gave to me.
I would accept all that is mine in truth.
Love is within and beyond, like the breath we breathe, enlivening the focal point of wherever we place the attention of our mind…
This world as we know it is a substitute for love. Yet within is the means of our happiness. Love is what we are by birthright, inheritance, by very Creation itself. We are the Love we seek.
If one looks honestly, we see that our lack of joy is precisely because we have valued substitutes for love above the love that we are in truth. Has it truly brought us happiness? Has everlasting happiness ever been but an idea attached to every ‘idol for happiness’ we have sought, that this one would be the one to end all seeking? And hasn’t each one disappointed in the end?
This is the measure I resonate with: I am one with all the joy that comprises my life, now, always, no sense of past infiltrates this now. My joy is complete, with no want for more or something else (not even a trace) and completely without rhyme or reason. I am happy because I am. There is no other state to be … My joy is a song of praise unto my creator in holy gratitude for happiness that cannot be apart from me. So richly woven into the fabric of my being in truth, is joy. So essential is this joy, without which, I could not exist at all.
Just as with the integral nature of the Sonship: you are not just like unto me, not even one with me, you are what I am, and without the essential element of you, I could not exist. However… I AM… This is the truth: God, being Love is what I am, my happiness, my joy in truth, are alive, and awake, right here, right now…
This is the natural constancy of happiness ~ the state of being that is creation… My Father created me whole and complete as and extension of His Will to extend His Holy Love of Being… This is the fabric of the Son’s very being and there isn’t anything else…
This is the only state… in truth.
The miracle is the mechanism which tunes us into this natural state of reality. Tuning to the wavelength of truth is the only thing that brings happiness… The Holy Spirit is tuning fork for the remembrance of Love…
One can turn the mind away, even deceive the mind with trumped fantasized ‘realities’ that temporarily block awareness, due to the desire see something else, but it can’t change the changeless, eternal chemistry of God and therefore His Son. ~ Everything else is a false state, of mis- attunement, if you will, and produces a state, which does not exist. …
GOD IS… no other option…
I love how the Course puts it in practical terms for the student of the Course, (the dreamer of the dream of false existence):”To whatever extent you are willing to submit your beliefs to this test, to that extent are your perceptions corrected... In sorting out the false from the true, the miracle proceeds along these lines:
Perfect love casts out fear…
If fear exists… Then there is not perfect love…
But: Only perfect love exists…
If there is fear… It produces a state that does not exist…
Believe this and you will be free.
Only God can establish this solution, and this faith
Can we trust that we are being shown the truth?
I think it is so important, at this stage of the curriculum, to suspend our own judgment of how well we are doing with the lessons and allow the truth of Self to settle within the opened-up spaces in our minds.
It is a trick of the ego to get us wrapped up in some kind of measurement game with ourselves and ideals and others, etc. ~Note the temptation toward distraction and see it for what it is, Forgive its unreality in truth and leave the results to the Holy Spirit for perfect placement within God’s plan for salvation…
We are being prepared to look more deeply at our faulty belief structure; at the core self constructs that remain unquestioned. We need the identification with the memory of who we are in truth, which is finding a resting place within us, that these simple lessons offer us, as we continue on the path the Holy Spirit has chosen to lead us along…
Let us practice, with the confidence that where we waver in belief or faith or trust, our brother, Christ joined within us all, is picking up the slack… Now doesn’t that feel yummier than fearing you’re not doing it good enough, or quitting…
When the Course says we are not alone and the Holy Spirit and our brother walk with us on the way that we must go, it means it quite literally. I experience this very thing all the time. It seem I have lost the capacity to see apart from my Self… (at least and take it seriously. It is a huge relief to recognize we can’t do it wrong, or right, but the Holy Spirit does it perfectly, with whatever I will give him.
One just can’t lose with this plan… someone, somewhere, always picks up the ball in my behalf. How do I know? Yes… by the way I feel… I feel the backdrop presence of joyous happiness, always… The miracle reflects the truth of my heritage of love, and joy is the experience. Consequently, I see the love of my inheritance all around me, because I want nothing else…
The happiness this engenders is so encompassing, it blankets the world in peace we receive by giving it to everyone and everything. This is the way we remember that only love is happiness and nothing else brings joy. We remember that all we want is already ours in truth. We accept it by wanting only that which belongs to us in truth…
Let us rest in this sure remembering, together today, and joyously realize our full inheritance as LOVE … After all, we only want to be happy… We want only what belongs to us in truth…
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