Thursday, May 3, 2007

Lesson 124:
Let me remember I am one with God…
Who we are, is unaffected by what we think we are and what we believe about ourselves. The world around us, however, is the direct result of these thoughts.
The the fundamental law of perception is: “We see what we believe is there, and we believe it there because we want it there”… or another way the Course puts it is… “You will rejoice at what you see because you see it to rejoice.”
God’s basic law is: Love creates itself, and nothing but itself.
The miracle is the shift in perception that allows us to see the reflection of God’s law reflected everywhere. It doesn’t change the base unreality of the world we see, because we believe in its reality. That belief in it’s reality, coupled with the fact that it is Creatively impossible for us to separate entirely from our Creator, comes the apparent mechanism of choosing. Perception rests on choosing, where the knowledge of God does not. As long as we believe we perceive, we have choice.
Ultimately we have but one choice within this life of perception. That choice is always based from what we believe we are; always aligning with the guidance from the voice that speaks to the experience of our oneness with God (Holy Spirit part of Mind) or the old familiar lonely drone of chaos; specialnes -other-ness – separate interests...
This lesson is the practice of ‘turning our mind’ to God, o n l y… Which is to say, turning to creation and to truth. The return of mind to the memory of God depends on our forgiveness of everyone and every situation, event or circumstance. What we forgive becomes a part of how we see ourselves, our united oneness with each other as well as the Oneness with our Creator.
We are free, but the recognition of our freedom comes through our willingness to allow the memory of God and our oneness in Him to return to our mind…
Let me remember I am one with God, at one with all my brothers and my Self, in everlasting holiness and peace…
We do this turning our mind to God, through accepting the Atonement for our Self; forgiving every thought and projection that came from our separation belief. We then allow a new and forgiven perception of oneness to be unveiled, and the shining face of Christ reflected in the mirror of our re-identification with Who we are, at one with God…
Forgiveness teaches us to let God’s memory return to us, and give it to the world in thankfulness… It is this systematic re- tuning and re turning that stabilizes the foundation of our faith, and amplifies our trust.
We simply suit up and show up to our function in God’s plan for salvation and thus receive as we give, our eternal happiness, returned forever to the Mind we share as One, the Mind that is ONE with God…
Let this be the day… that together we mirror and view the reflection of our everlasting holiness and peace inherent in our identity as Christ the Holy son of God, united on the oneness that is the truth…


Anonymous said...

do you believe in hell?

danét said...

Hell is a state of mind in which one believes one is totally on ones own, separate from their creator, suspicious of, and in competition with everyone for the scarce,limited resources for survival, while death lurks just beyond any power to overcome its inevitable doom.
~been there.

Anonymous said...

what about a person who does not believe in god do they go to hell?

danét said...

Again, hell is a state of mind. Love is always the way out.

Anonymous said...