Friday, May 4, 2007

Lesson 125:
In quiet I receive God’s Word today…
Stillness is a directive of truth. It is really a natural state, yet not always so easy to allow, yes?
It is a present moment experience where time collapses and all definition and distinction disappear. What is left is a quiet recognition of timeless love… eternity in an instant… complete without thought of what ‘another moment’ will bring.
It is an experience of complete undefined joy. It makes no requests and can’t be planned for…
The mind stills and the ego’s directive with its big ‘to do list’ insisting urgency to mobilize the body troops and defend its perimeters sheds itself like the clothing of the time/space cosmos shrouding my Self, that it is ~
Emerging in the naked light is the truth, “I am Spirit, all in all, as God created”… This is the word of God, received in quiet…
I have been one who believed that there was something magically spiritual, woven into the practice and art of meditation. I believed if you got the formula right, something clicked and voila, enlightenment.
Needless to say, I was sorely disappointed form that point of reference; always burdened with the great ‘to do list’ of life to be lived and managed by me. Even as I got reasonably ‘good’ at quieting my mind and resting in still refrain, I felt insecure about listening for the voice for God, disadvantaged by time constraints of any given day or period of meditation allotment. I didn’t have a feeling of consistency that moved me from a state of action-less quiet into and action-required day… What did motivate the shift in states was generally some idea like “Hey girl, got things to do, places to go, people to see ~ better get moving ~ got a life to manage here…” Like what was going to happen? The world would disappear? I would? Mes oui…
At some point I realized that yes, this was some irrational (or not) belief of mine; that if I wasn’t constantly putting my signature on everything I could in this world, marking my territory, so to speak, that I would easily be forgotten, and perhaps erased…
What it took along time to allow to dawn in my mind, was the construct which strung all these irrational thoughts and important actions together… TIME AND SPACE!
From where I was looking at it, this so-called life of mine was real, even though I felt I was beginning to realize its illusory nature, I was reinforcing its reality within my mind by the hierarchy of values which I lived my life from, much of which were in constant conflict. Like for instance, this exact idea I am addressing here. I had this belief that quiet meditation was imperative to enlightenment and that it was in this state that I had a chance to hear the voice for God ~ big value~ yes? But then I couldn’t just sit there all day and night and … and wait… could I? Wait till my wiliness to hear was single? I couldn’t just sit still listening for the rest of life … could I? No! ~Where being quiet was concerned, the belief in time was always on my back.
I don’t know in a way I can put into words, but in showing up anyway, somewhere, somehow, a new perception,(the real truth of my moment) revealed itself to me… Here it is:
There is no place else I want to be. ~I want only to be in the Mind of God… There is nothing else to know but my identity in Him. There really isn’t any place to go, nothing to do or mark as my territory. Spirit is the never-ending territory of the Son of God, initialized by God.
Who cares if the world I manage looses its stature? So what if I dissolve and disappear into no-thing-ness?
The Holy Spirit delivered the goods promised by way of forgiveness… Joy began to accompany me into the day, coming out of meditation, instead of plans and schedules to keep. Somehow, knowing the peace of God, became single-minded~ its message became clear: “What time but Now can the truth be known? There is no other time… Now is the only time there is… All truth is here, now.”
What purpose now could there be except the one this moment assigns? It is in this present moment that the recognition that giving and receiving are the same, dawns. Forgiveness is revealed as the minister of sanity unto the mind… The one perspective reveals itself as the meaning of the world and every act and thought becomes one with we give to complete the circle of love-extending-love receiving / love calling-love answering.
As we sit in quiet for a very deep moment, let us allow it to be the only moment… till we feel, arising out of this quiet, the One Perspective which shows our relationship with our Father and His One Holy Son in us… We are as God created us... Listen and we will hear His Word in the memory of Him…
~All glory to God~


Anonymous said...

Itis so much easier to know agod that loves us completely,and does not punish us.

danét said...

Ah yes!