Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Lesson 165:

Let not my mind deny the Thought of God…

The Thought of God ~I am… Nothing else. Why deny it? Ultimately, resistance is futile… It is what I am ~ and only that… It is through the grace of miracle-mindedness, inherent in accepting the Atonement for my Self that this is possible, now. You are what I am~ the Thought of God. My acceptance is yours and yours mine…

And we are no longer wholly insane. By accepting the Atonement, we have become miracle workers in this world… The Course tells us that the task of the miracle worker is to deny the denial of truth. I am convinced that this is singly, the most significant assignment for the mind that still finds itself at all vulnerable to seeing itself as split. We deny the denial of truth rather than the Thought that gives us life. And that one moment is our holy instant of release~ we are aware that God’s Thought is what gives our life is. And love is the limitless Being-ness left as experience…

Love is the Source that created like unto itself, and we are here, resting in the truth of the Self as One, and nothing else is really happening at all. In this holy instant of now, reality rests in the spirit of being.

We are fulfilled, feeling the completion in this Thought that gives certainty to identity and peace of mind so thorough, there is no question to give answer to. We accept therefore the reality of creation; regardless of the vain imaginings we have called ourselves. Irrelevant are these identities which are displayed on the screen of the world-theater, where the characters wear the costume of a body amongst many bodies in a multitude of different personalities and separate interests~ Where, in the next moment we seem to have forgotten the truth about our Self and our Source, and take the drama to be our life, for real. We take the characters problems to be in need of solving, for survival of the fittest and conquest and acquisition and sickness and death ignite our senses with textures designed as nearly impossible for the ego identity to ignore. The bitter taste of fear rests at the back of our throats, while its cold loneliness pumps as blood in our veins. We stand convicted and wish for hope to rescue us from the dense and taut existence this character is condemned to…well, death ~It is that irrelevant drama which at last we wholly deny and deny not the Thought of God ~well, life…

The thing is, we have seen the light… If, even only for an instant; perhaps an instant distant in mind, that we can’t really put our finger on, but it is there. Somehow, we know it is there, and somehow it increasingly lightens the burden of pretend reality. We see from beyond. And what we see is simply that we seem to be junkies of fear, subject to the confusion rendered by that familiar drugged state of guilty fear with its insane definitions and interpretation of what reality is.

Yet, we can no longer wholly agree with our belief that what this medicated state of mind represents is what our life is, in truth. Yet, the truth rests quietly, patiently, within, awaiting but our desire for it. DENY THE DENIAL OF TRUTH! Simply this is required to slip past addictive-repetitive-past-no-thought.

Let not my mind deny the Thought of God. This thought is not only everything we ever wanted to know about ourselves, but everything we are… it is our very life! And here, in this so-called world, we are a mirror of truth, in which God Himself shines in perfect light.

When the temptation to deny the Thought of God and seek the dark enticing alternative; the ego’s relentlessly murmurs to the mind, we quietly respond, “I will not look there because I know these images are not true”… We lean back and let the Holy Thought of God shine on us in peace, knowing that His and only His Thought must be. The compulsive pull to deny it subsides and the ultimate familiarity of the peace of God pumps through our veins, the memory of truth…

We are the Thought of Love God Created as His Son; with us always, defining us always, giving us vision to see and power to create… Let us not deny the Thought of God. We are joined in purpose and we cannot fail~


Anonymous said...

Is the bible a illusion?

danét said...

Yes. All words are merely symbols of symbols, twice removed from reality. what we seek is a direct experience with the Divine which great works/words can but point toward.

Anonymous said...

what gives you the reality that god exists? WHERE DO YOU GO AFTER YOU DIE?

danét said...

We are life, the life extended by God, the One Being of all creation. The body is not what we are and when it seemingly dies, we but remain at home in God. which is where we are now in truth. When we identify with the body as ourself, we have but distracted our mind from truth and focused on the illusion of bodies and worlds.

Anonymous said...


danét said...

The ego resists truth and sets up a state of seeming confusion within the human-mind. However, truth is so compelling, we feel drawn to it even if we seemingly can't secure its reality for ourselves. Not to worry. The Holy Spirit within our minds, the feeling in our heart that resonates with it, has got it covered.In studying A Course in Miracles, at first, I simply brought my self to the reading and gave it over to Spirit for interpretation, which I did not understand intellectually, but began experiencing the effects~ increased peace of mind and unity with all.