I am the holy Son of God Himself...
This one statement is indeed the zero-point, from which I am able to let go the world with all its shifting tides of time and space and form and function, and free-fall into the all encompassing, pure bliss-filled state of my true identity~ and yours as well. Here, I know my Self. It is so simple really. It seems impossible that I could ever not have seen the brilliant truth lighting creation; the only 'real' within the dream of this world. It's simple~ I am the holy Son of God Himself. Period. And we are all One in Him...
Join me in reviewing a portion of the Lesson text;
Deny your own Identity, and you will not escape the madness which induced this weird, unnatural and ghostly thought that mocks creation and that laughs at God. Deny your own Identity, and you assail the universe alone, without a friend, a tiny particle of dust against the legions of your enemies. Deny your own Identity, and look on evil, sin and death, and watch despair snatch from your fingers every scrap of hope, leaving you nothing but the wish to die.
Be glad today how very easily is hell undone. You need but tell yourself:
And in that thought is everything you look on wholly changed.
Then let the Son of God awaken from his sleep, and opening his holy eyes, return again to bless the world he made. In error it began, but it will end in the reflection of his holiness. And he will sleep no more and dream of death. Then join with me today. Your glory is the light that saves the world. Do not withhold salvation longer. Look about the world, and see the suffering there. Is not your heart willing to bring your weary brothers rest?
They must await your own release. They stay in chains till you are free. They cannot see the mercy of the world until you find it in yourself. They suffer pain until you have denied its hold on you. They die till you accept your own eternal life. You are the holy Son of God Himself. Remember this, and all the world is free. Remember this, and earth and Heaven are one.
Right now, can't you just feel yourself into your true identity, shedding the old like a second skin? And we're in this together, sinking inward, resting at the still point of perfect peace...
This is the truth: We are the holy Son of God Himself...aahhh...
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