Friday, August 10, 2007

Lesson 223:

God is my life. I have no life but His…

This is the sustenance by which I am maintained. I count of this internal knowing. Each day as I wake, this is the first thought or experience I have. God is my life. I have no life but His.

I’m aware that there was a time in my life when I was out of touch with this truth; yet truly, as I write this, I can’t really recall the essence of that experience of aloneness and separation from my Source ~ from my very Self; my breath, my life.

What I do recall is that it was this very contrast; this death-ness~ this ‘loneliness of nothingness’, that brought me to my knees, imploring the prayer of the desperate, “there has got to be another way”.

My life today is that other way… Oh, the joy of the forgiving mind.

It is astounding how, when life is but God, there is always time if it is needed, always resources, always enough. Was there a time when it was different?

No, I think not. Merely mistaken identity which thought it could think. But it was nothing. Who can remember it now, when everyone and every seeming situation and circumstance, is my greatest lover… Each part completing Life. I wouldn’t miss it for the world…

The good news is I don’t have to. The world, it turns out, is in my mind. And today, I look out on only Christ… and the deeper I look the more I see my Self reflected there. I see my life in God. And it looks like you… and you and feels like joy and love and peace and life… Thank you.

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