Let me not see myself as limited…
It seems anything of this world and its symbols that we can use to describe the Son of God would be by definition, too limiting to accurately depict. It is the experience of wholeness and magnitude present within that is us… the one we feel fully in the holy instant and tune to in forgiveness. That feeling where lack has disappeared and passionate giving moves us to speak and act….
We’re all familiar with it. In fact, we love it so much; we try to use the ego’s mechanisms to simulate it in special relationships that we design. (As if one could replicate what was created by God) You can’t get something you already have and have never lost. You can only let go every thing that is in the way of feeling its presence. ~Bingo~forgiveness~
The unlimited glory and power of the Son of God is closer than our breath, yet gives us our breath, beats our hearts and moves us within and beyond the gross and the subtle; the world, the universe and the empty fullness of the zero-point to which it all returns in full appreciation and creation ~ God, His Love, the Son, the sun, the beam, the Light…
It is spectacular that something glorious and so easily reached could so elude us, so much of the time…
Yet, we get caught in a little contraction in the thought of time; give our body’s name to it and separate it off… then spin time’s wheels trying to get off the self-appointed merry-go-round of self-identity, and back to the truth of what we already, always, are…
Certainly it’s insane. But in truth, it’s nothing…. (And inevitably culminates in the big cosmic belly-laugh)
We but need suspend everything we think we know, believe, value or love, for an instant and come with wholly empty hands unto our God~ and in a holy instant our
Today’s lesson is that invitation once again…
Self floods our awareness with the only thing we ever knew… the love we are~
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