“In me salvation’s means and end are one…
“I was created as the thing I seek. I am the goal the world is searching for. I am God’s Son, His one eternal Love. I am salvation’s means and end as well”…
It dawns eventually. Or should I say, resistance is futile… God created one Son, pure and innocent as Himself. This is the truth. As the Course says, it (the truth) resides, ‘hidden in the one place we wouldn’t look, within’… What’s the looking all about? It is the comprehensive awakening called salvation from the dream of separation in this world/life/existence; it is, as the Course puts it, the deep sleep that fell over the Son’s mind… Salvation is the gentle wakening rumbling from within and throughout the sonship (whether one is aware of it or not) which is occurring simultaneously with all time/space constructs.
Being Is. ~ There is no way to describe what the need for description has dissolved away into….
All symbols are a part of the dream. They are necessary only as long as there is existence as well as being within the mind…
Ok, so what am I getting at here? In practical application, day to day, how do I experience the reconciliation of salvation’s means and end as being within me?
I know my Self, by seeing it in you. I have found this simple law of mind consistently so again and again… As such, I do know this: There is no other way to get the results I want… which, of course is perfect happiness and peace. After all, perfect peace is the criteria by which to measure all experience within this world…
So as I experience you and whatever situation I bring to awareness, how I see you and the world are a mirror of my mind. I remember, and painfully at times, that precisely as I allot for you, your sinlessness and innocence, and forgiving any blocks to love’s awareness that arise as a lack of peace, correctly seen as ‘my’ projections, will I experience that sinlessness and innocence we inherently are...
From this state of willingness it easy to see the obvious~ that a split mind could be only mine since I, indeed, am having the experience. So, the sooner I cop to it being all me, during these forgiveness lessons, the quicker I return to peace and to my function which is happiness. This truly is the only thing worth doing!
When I experience myself attempting to split, I have found a reminder of today’s lesson to be a worthy habit of mind to develop ~ a quick restorative as the Course says.
This brings to mind another of my favorite restoratives from the Course, which is indelibly in my mind, “the letting go of judgment is the obvious prerequisite for hearing the Voice for God”…
It’s not like His Voice is really hard to hear, once you want to hear only that. There is no mistaking it. It is the absolute essence of rightness~ not right in the sense of wrong/right, but in the feeling of completeness, only-ness, right-now-ness… One can feel the power and truth of Love within the Voice for God… It is my choice to listen only to this Voice only… It in this choosing this single voice alone that I re-cognize you, and I feel it as the one Self~ the Christ we are. In this choice, I am at home. It is a state that is present in me always. It suspends time and space and all the seeming details of the dream. I think of it as the ‘practicing the holy instant’ the Course talks about… So, in me, salvation’s means and end are one ~ahhhh such gratitude I feel…
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