"I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts…"
This is such a comforting thought for me. The more honest with myself I have become, the more I have become willing to See…. And to just trust that although I might not see it at any particular moment, the world I see was made with attack in mind; victim and hero, good and bad, right and wrong ~all, an attack on OneMind. It has been just this kind of honest observation which began to show me, that I couldn’t escape the naked truth that I am the ‘image-maker’ of the world I see.
I notice that my willingness to just look, suspending judgment, brings a feeling of peace… After all, I am not looking along alone… This very willingness is the invitation to look with the Holy Spirit. And by looking with the Holy Spirit at my thoughts, which, apparently cause the world I see, I am opened up to the possibility of their falsity. And just behind that awareness turns out to be the replacement I was really looking for: peace. Ya know, peace asks so very little…. When I experience the true shift necessary for peace, and saw I came as the simple wholehearted willingness to be wrong, I felt the chorus of halleluiah sing me, know what I mean. Anyhow, whatever it is that replaces the previous condition is irrelevant in form. It always is just enough for peace….to let love enter….Just like the lesson says, “Vision already holds a replacement for everything you think you see now. Loveliness can light your images, and so transform them that you will love them, even though they were made of hate. For you will not be making them alone”. …Ah, this is what forgiveness is… and I am living it…and you are here with me, always, already…
The beginning of Chapter 16 of the text, titled "THE FORGIVENESS OF ILLUSIONS” keeps surfacing to my mind~ it talks about “True” empathy, a concept I was completely upside-down about when I first encountered this reversal of perception. I came to understand that all this ‘helpfulness’ I was so fond of was a smokescreen for attack thoughts. All dressed up in hierarchies of illusion and justification…I am so grateful for this healed perspective…
I am not alone, and I would not intrude the past upon my Guest.
I have invited Him, and He is here.
I need do nothing except not to interfere.
I am really beginning to see/experience the complete thought reversal necessary and inevitable, which, available for the asking~ is expanding with my participation… I am humbled, as the word truly means (def: returned to the ground of my being) by the magnitude of this simple lesson ~FORGIVE~
How lucky/blessed am I/ we are for the curriculum prepared by the Holy Spirit/Jesus through the inspired, holographic/symphonic, design of A Course in Miracles.
I did not know the meaning of forgiveness (or anything else, it turns out), when the Course came to me… and this not knowing has given me everything… since this blank screen is where the Holy Spirit shows me what is valuable, meaningful, loving and One, already ~ every seeming day is a new awakening to the truth, beyond the symbols…
~I am the one ~with overwhelming gratitude~
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