Isn’t this the only thing that could be true? It always circles ‘round to the same crucial point~ SOURCE: the experience can only reflect or give birth to an experience like itself (its source). It doesn’t have anything else from which to draw. Everything anything is made of and must come from the intrinsic composition of the source itself. Yes? ! And thoughts leave not their source ~we are the LOVE thought of God extended as His Son…
Okay, so in looking closely at all perceived experiences, one must look to its source for meaning. This is where the ego has really had a field day with me, in the past. Loving to examine itself and figure out “why”, the ego, dressed up in “spiritual’ garb and using my desperation to find God, to apologize, to do it right, to be good… would hook me into the loop of seemingly intense and thorough examination of the psyche. “Figure it out so I don’t do it again, but rather ‘create the reality I want’…” Now here’s the thing, and I think many might relate to this pattern, walking the “problem” back to the where the problem began within this world, [“this is because of the way I was raised, this happened, that… Even, ‘this is because of the way I interpreted what happened when it happened (attempting to be responsible)]. It doesn’t work. At best it is a stimulating mental game serving up the big prize of little insights and it feels like you’re ‘getting somewhere’s, which keeps you in the game. At worst it is an exercise in futility and utter despair. This is because we never really get back to the source.
The source of problems /conflicts is not in this world! It is in the mind! ~It is not in the mind housed in the body and ego that we tend to identified with. THERE IS NO WORLD! THERE IS NO BODY AND THERE IS NO EGO!
THERE IS ONLY GOD AND GOD’S WILL CREATING!!! Nothing else is really going on, dude~…There is only the BELIEF(looped back on itself over and over)… that one error, one tiny mad idea of special ness that could obliterate Creation, taken seriously. That is some powerful mind, eh? Its magnitude is really beyond conceptualization. ~Hmm, power such as this must come from a Source so immense… well, you do the math…
Just because we dreamed a dream, a mass hallucination even, of misusing this power doesn’t change the power of the Source from which it came. That Source is what it is and every creation extended from it could only be what it is… the rest is made up… the Atonement principle undid all effects of this silly error. The miracle allows us to shine the light we are on every darkened thought of make-believe we are willing to uncover and dis-identify with. Forgiveness is the practical application of this principle while the mind still thinks it's split and while it re-members itself.
When ever I have sincerely and wholeheartedly attempted to find the True Source of who I am, I have succeeded. Every one of the workbook lessons are geared to this homecoming, this recognition ~ The description of experience given within today’s lesson really captures the immediacy and immensity of peace I have experienced~ every single time I have unequivocally given over to the Truth and allowed released of my ‘self’ to it. I notice myself sinking, even dissolving into PEACE~ “Sink into it and feel it closing around you… you will feel a deep sense of joy and an increased alertness… Joy characterizes peace…
Of course in the beginning the experience was only fleeting, easily discounted as ‘my imagination’ but yet, it called me back to return again and again, increasing in substantial significance, until the ‘reality’ of this peace and surety could no longer be denied. It gradually became more real than the story of the so-called life of danét. So much so, that the lines between the ‘two worlds’ [peace and conflict /oneness and differences] began to blur and eventually the ‘two worlds’ began to blend into One experience of total peace occasionally freckled with seeming conflicts or problems, which really have taken on a shadowy insubstantial essence~ now seen as what they are, forgiveness lessons…
Talk about JOY! ~Ah, the deep abiding joy that comes with knowing that seriously, nothing can rock my world. Nothing can intrude upon the Holy Son of God, himself. This is my will ~the one I share with my Source that created me Love, like himself~ the one I share with you, my brother’s who are one with me.
God’s Will is perfect happiness and there is no will but God’s! Thank God! All glory to God and us ~for we share his Will and nothing else…
This is a sampling ACIM lesson contemplations that seem to want to express themselves through me~ and whatever else Spirit might deem apropos for this particular site. ~part of the world wide web~joining in a unified purpose via ACIM. I feel inspired to complete a sampling of commentaries for a complete year of A Course in Miracles lessons and share them through this medium. Here is my wake-up call, my prayer, my expression of it and my desire to join with you in a common purpose ...
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Lesson 74~musings
There is no will but God's…
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