I am under no laws but God's…
Okay, first off ~THERE ARE NO LAWS BUT GOD AND GOD’S! ~THERE IS NO WORLD ~ AND, THERE IS ANY INDIVIDUAL, PERSONAL LIFE AND PERSON, FONDLY REFERED TO AS DANÉT… Now, I missed this clean FACT completely in the early years with the Course. Sure, I thought I got it. I’m a smart girl… I understood that this was all an elaborate mass illusion based on fear and only love was real and I was love because God who created me was love… But it was just this type of occurrence, like this lesson, where ‘my understanding actually rendered me impotent to allowing the Holy Spirit’s understanding to penetrate and guide me.
It is an absolutely arduous existence to be aware of a split mind and on some level want to keep it that way, to try to squeeze the most out of each, attempting to move back and forth, virtually to attempt to serve two masters…and… to keep this process away from mind~ out of mind… believe me, I know… and the price I paid for doing it this way, the only way I could… Delay ~tragic in time but nothing in eternity~ the acquisition of nothing priced by my valuing it, paid for by my attention ~it was all of nothing, in the end~
~everything - nothing = forgiveness~
I remember the first time I did this lesson~ I am under no laws but God's…
I responded with a combination of some kind of deep recognition of its validity ~and abject terror. I wasn’t honest enough with myself at the time to allow myself to own these states as mine or really bring what I was feeling to conscious awareness, let alone the Holy Spirit. Instead what I did was trust my ego’s ever-ready interpretation and direction. I decided that it was true; I was under no laws but God’s, so therefore, laws that seemed to govern the world were for me to pick and choose from. That I could manipulate my life and mind through this new found ‘truth’ given by a ‘very important authority’ and validate what ever choices I made, the caveat being, intend no harm to others. Don’t get me wrong; this wasn’t a conscious decision-making process. Honestly, who would fall for this if it were laid out directly? This is why the ego never uses a direct approach. The chances of rejection are just too high. So, thinking I was completely off the hook… basically free to do as I pleased, label it ‘good deeds’ and go about saving the world one barter at a time… I proceeded. It’s amazing the energy it takes to support a lie, talk about ‘borrow from Peter to pay Paul’~. It seemed I was always trying to steal ‘time for my self’ ~keep something just for me~ take a break… Although I was aware someplace inside that there was something really off about this, to my identity-seeking ego, it really sounded good. It seemed there was a way to have my cake and eat it to… I never considered the enormity of a much deeper personal law for me, which I now refer to as the ‘law of reciprocity’. And more even more notable, it never occurred to me (until it did) to question the very foundation of the structure of this so-called “new-law”. “Am I a body in a world?” If I am, I am governed by it. And it is a world of reciprocity, born from the parental heritage of scarcity and sacrifice!
~Now, those are not God ~so they cannot be real... And cannot be What I am...
I am thinking about this pervasive belief in reciprocity: give and take, the making of concessions, sacrificing of ‘some thing’ as the price of acquisition~ the obvious payment due to receive concessions in exchange. A law so established and reputable that it is never questioned …no free lunch~ if you want it, you have to pay for it ~ you got sick because …~get what you have coming to you ~ if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime ~ what goes around comes around ~ it is a major building block in the core structure of the dream of death, we call life.
Yet, GOD GIVES/extends ONLY. Therefore, there is nothing to barter for. We Are, already. We have everything because we are everything as One… Forgiveness reminds us that only this is true and the miracle transforms the mind, bearing witness to the truth by reflecting God’s laws through Christ everywhere we see… Please join me in sinking deeply into the truth this lesson offers us and attempt not to define it for ourselves:
“Hold your mind in silent readiness to hear the Voice that speaks the truth to you… You will be listening to One Who says there is no loss under the laws of God. Payment is neither given nor received. Exchange cannot be made; there are no substitutes; and nothing is replaced by something else. God's laws forever give and never take…
Hear Him Who tells you this, and realize how foolish are the "laws" you thought upheld the world you thought you saw. Then listen further. He will tell you more. About the Love your Father has for you. About the endless joy He offers you… Thus is creation endlessly increased… His Voice will speak of this to us, as well as of the joys of Heaven, which His laws keep limitless forever…
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