Lesson 80:
Let me recognize my problems have been solved…
One problem ~ One Solution…
The Atonement answered the ‘tiny mad idea at which the Son of God remembered not to laugh’ with the single, unequivocal reason to remember to laugh… Nothing not of God the Father, Creator and therefore creation alike, could leave its source ~ nor could separate off and still exist… Nothing not of God could exist at all… Without the Source of life there is no life. Period. And life is all there is since that is the state of all that is … being only what gave life to it…extending forever and ever being life itself… God… itself.
Ideas leave not their source is a central theme continually revisited in the Course and all other teaching are encompassed within it. If this be true, and reason tells us it is the only possibility, then one must relent and allow what must be, be revealed at some point. Our very being folds us in on ourselves and we soften and open our sight to the fact: God is … And that is all...
Once looked at squarely, all other possibilities simply disappear. Once we accept this one thought that reason proves to us time and time again, how can we really take seriously the “problems”~ big and small which beg to and even seem to require our attention and resolution… It must be that these are dreams and I sleep...
Certainty replaces questioning as re-membe-ring through forgiveness revels the essesnce of what we are in truth beneath the flimsy fabric of the ancient dream, and the dreamer revealed and released. Once seen as the dreamer, they are merely vain imaginings of a dream in which not only can I hardly remember nor find even worth trying to recount, anymore… Anything I seem to drum-up as real, let alone problematic (oh yeah, anything not of God, is, by design, problematic)just can’t get very far with the mind that has accepted the Truth.
I have accepted the Atonement for myself, and here you are with me ~indeed, One Self…
The past is gone and we remember only the loving thoughts forgiveness brings that flesh out the seeming reality of the ‘real world.
Let me attempt to share one such waking-up experience which comes to mind... In a holy instant there was complete release and one recognized the truth. It was so complete during the experience that I forgot the world and self entirely, yet it was a Self so massive and complete, save it to say that this 'Reality' so far supersedes any imagining whatever, that all vein attemppts easily slip away... (I have no point of reference in words I find give me the capability to describe this experience). Yet it is an experience that became what is now an always present ocean of calm waving out the tides of my so-called life ~ it is the way of life... This particular moment, in time, now rising to the forefront of my memory, of which I am referring, was crystallized in the words of the Course lesson I was practicing during my first go-around with the Workbook… Since then I have often said it was one of my favorite lessons, thoroughly aware of the symbolic representation, but nonetheless, so beautiful and powerful are its symbols, I would love to share a brief piece from it now, if you’ll join me here in the solution…
“Truth must be true throughout, if it be true. It cannot contradict itself, nor be in parts uncertain and in others sure. You cannot walk the world apart from God, because you could not be without Him. He is what your life is. Where you are He is. There is one life. That life you share with Him. Nothing can be apart from Him and live…Yet where He is, there must be holiness as well as life. No attribute of His remains unshared by everything that lives. What lives is holy as Himself, because what shares His life is part of Holiness…The past is gone, with all its fantasies... As you step back, the light in you steps forward and encompasses the world… In lightness and in laughter is sin gone, because its quaint absurdity is seen. It is a foolish thought, a silly dream, not frightening, ridiculous perhaps, but who would waste an instant in approach to God Himself for such a senseless whim? (W-156.3-7)
Let us not waste another instant pretending, together we stand at the gates of Heaven, each holding the key for the other, which in recognition, swings the gates wide open… And this is so because the solution and the problem were brought together ~seeing that only the truth could be true and we are it…
Let us remember our holy heritage, together, this instant and recognize we have been release and all problems have been solved… All Glory to God Who answered every seeming ’whim’ with the all mighty strength and power of Love… Ah, gratitude dissolves me Now… I can’t thank you enough for your doing your part in the ultimate awakening to the Atonement…where God (metaphorically) takes the final step… I am ~so in Love…. thank-you, thank-you, thank-you…
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