I rest in God…
I rest as well in the deep, stillness of gratitude I have to have come home at last. God is the resting place I find and am my Self…rest... In rest is God, and you are here with me… Here... In Him you have no cares and no concerns, no burdens, no anxiety, no pain, no fear of future and no past regrets. In timelessness you rest, while time goes by without its touch upon you, for your rest can never change in any way at all…
Truly, nothing in this entire, crazy, mixed-up world can lure me out of my resting place. Oh, sure, I notice the temptations of the ego thought system passing by, ‘important-izing’ itself. It’s just that, by some grace of God, I just don’t get on the train and take the ride any more.
It’s like the famous words from the timeless masterpiece The Matrix: “…been down that road and know where it leads…” It leads to support its own need for survival. That’s its role; entice, ‘catastro-phize’, problem-ize, seduce. It uses every tool at its disposal to keep us in addicted consciousness within the dream, so as not to become aware that we are the dreamer, not dreamed by the dream. It’s like a drug dealer hooking us in, using such specialty designer drugs as materialistic acquisition, with your standard compulsion and obsession which perpetuate chaotic, out of control and ultimately mindless thinking, long enough to pounce and capture its prey. Its prey: the willing mind of the Son of God, asleep… Yet, it still remains that we are the dreamer of this dream, where we are perp and prey. Only our belief in it, makes it real to sleep away…. Oh, how I have been there, lost in the wilderness of mind asleep….
It wasn’t all that long ago that I could have described the prison walls, down to the last shadow of profane graffiti and the cracks and dents and un-removable bloodstains on the floor, left from the un-winnable war against the self, battled out on the train to nowhere…
That horror now rests in peace within forgiven mind where the past has been laid for the Holy Spirit’s use if helpful….. All rest is in God… Personhood is seen for what it is in truth ~nothing…
The truth is: We are Christ, the holy Son of God, and we rest in Him…. This is all I see and this is all there is for me… What else could there be to do or say?
We rest in quiet surety and move and speak according to the instruction given from this place within: from Now. All manner and deeds and simple exchanges are seen in joy and unity within the forgiven world…
Once the mind has been given over to complete rest in God, one need never be concerned with what to say or when or what the effects of said expression is, it already belongs to the entire Sonship. It is already being used, precisely in the manner of healing to wholeness, designated by the One Whose role it is, to bring all seemingly private, personal minds into full alignment, disappearing into the One-Mind at rest in God.
Life is satisfying when one has recognized our will and our Father’s Will are One in the same. The answer has already been place within each seeming problem or question or relationship. Our job is to not jump the gun and think we know any thing about anything except from this quiet place in which we rest, while our happy gift of peace brings peace to all minds willing to receive.
We have become addicted to thinking that what we ‘do’ or ‘say’ is of some kind of importance, when half the time, it just a time-filler to medicate our own discomfort with where we’re at with our current ‘identity’.
Or, we actually think we’re needed~ perhaps one of the necessary ones. Or we feel obliged that the “show goes on”… This is ego, all ego… (100% of nothing is still nothing).
This is what I have come to see and to forgive… What I have found to be so: When one truly gives the self over to the ‘rest in God’ (or Self); nothing else will do. There is no mistaking this ‘perfect-fit’ once it happens. For a long time I had only my imagination of this and desire to turn … until I did…. Till now…
There’s just no way to explain what it is … I always wanted some one or book or something to explain, give me a hit of the true experience, because I just wasn’t sure. Yet it turns out, that little willingness is enough…
I rest in God. Right now, at the zero-point, where all seeming chaos cannot intrude…. I move and breathe in Him. It is a certainty without questions about or within. It is the state of Holy Peace… And from this quiet place, all seeming movement comes as inspiration…. All has been set aright within the world, reflecting this state which hears all calls for love, and answers with forgiveness and extending love~
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