Sunday, April 1, 2007

Lesson 92:

Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one…

Light and strength are one as truth is one and as such, these characteristic of the One Truth, must be true for all as is the nature of truth and oneness…
I am as God created me… and nothing can oppose the Will of God… Everything else has just been an error and not only easily corrected, but literally, nothing at all… The specially designed ‘self’, invested with so much blood sweat and tears were merely a dream of otherness, while we remain as God Created us. We, the Son of God, are completely unaffected by the question; this ‘tiny mad idea’ that ask the impossible… Can we sit with that fact and sink beneath it to residence?...
Can we sink beneath the idol fantasy of subject and object split, to the light within today, where light and joy and peace abide? Can we but trust the deep appeal this message brings and suspend all judgment prior to investigation, to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal our Self to us? Just for today; for this hour, for this minute… for this Holy Instant where all truth abides…

”This holy instant would we give to You… Be You in charge. For we would follow You, certain Your direction gives us peace…” (W-L361-365)
This grouping of the lessons for the next little while, are systematically inviting us into the ‘meeting place’ of self with Self. They rest in this one pure idea, “I am as God created me and here in the light resides strength… This is the TRUTH and in the light, we see.
Only the truth is true and what is false does not exist at all. No fantasy can add anything to the truth nor take anything away, nor even compete with residence within our minds. Only the thoughts we think with God are real. And fantasies (life as the ego belief designs) merely make shadowy images which come to pass and cannot stay, and actually, were over long ago, along with the entire cosmic dream. Let us not replay this old decrepit film again, today. Rather, let us follow the gentle voice of Strength itself, the meeting place where, for an instant we abide awake, and recognize ourselves as dreamer of the dream. Here all our dreams of struggle, sacrifice, of scarcity and competition are already replaced by the light and joy and peace inherent in What We Are.
Let us rest in this quiet surety awhile… And when we seemingly engage the so-called world today, let it be the happy dream of a forgiven world, where everywhere we look we see but Christ, every encounter is a holy one, where we recognize our Self in each and every one. Light and joy and peace abide is us; the ONE HOLY CREATION, whom God Created by extending Himself… His innocence and purity must then be ours for Him to be complete.
Let us accept the amusing silliness that our little, miniscule contribution of nothingness, dreamed up as the ego thought of separate special-nesses for the error it was, and see that it was in the past, which was only a construct of time useful only till this moment where we remember ‘all is One’.
Let this be the holy instant we remember the correction given by God and accepted by His Son. Today, this moment and instant, while these constructs of time still seem to have effect in our minds, let us allow the Holy Spirit free reign to heal all misperception until ALL perception melts into the light within and joy and peace and love abound…

“We are God Son, complete and healed and whole, shining in the reflection of His Love. In us is His Creation sanctified and guaranteed eternal life. In us is Love perfected, fear impossible and joy established without opposite. We are the Holy Home of God Himself. We are the Heaven where is Love resides. We are His Holy Sinlessness Itself, for in our purity abides His Own…” (W-14.1-6)
Let us not waste another instant deciding… let us accept the Atonement and be free… ~All glory to God and His holy Host~ forever and ever ~ amen

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