Saturday, March 31, 2007

Lesson 91:

Miracles are seen in light…
The body’s eyes do not perceive the light…
But I am not a body. What am I?

This is the real question, is it not? This idea is the one that begins the undoing; the dismantling of the ‘solid-not-so-solid’ structure of the so-called self ~the self-concept. It is the sense of this idea behind the forms of our so-called lives that forces our recognition of our dissatisfaction with ‘the way things are’… The feeling that this is not quite ‘it’… that we are play acting on some level…the vague feeling that there is something ‘more real’ just behind the curtain.
This lesson is the perfect opportunity to look behind the curtain, using faith in the light we sense, even if very subtly, and sink into that light, which is of course, right there waiting only for our attention to be seen, being there already, always… This is a time for faith: faith beyond the body. After all, faith always goes to what we want, and we instruct our minds accordingly. What is it we want? We want to know the truth of what we are. We want the light for which to see miracles by which we experience all strength, all power, all grandeur, limitlessness, and certainty, ~the light of ‘reality’. Miracles bring in the light of experience that allows us to see, because we want to see the truth…
The exercises today gently take us to this experience of seeing…

Miracles are seen in light… the body’s eyes do not perceive the light… But I am not a body… What am I? … I am not weak, but strong… I am not helpless, but all powerful… I am not limited, but unlimited… I am not doubtful, but certain… I am not an illusion, but a reality… I cannot see in darkness, but in light…

I am not a body at all… I am the light in which I see miracles … I am the awareness of the idea of the body concept, now expanding beyond the concept of ‘body’ all together… sinking, and expanding beyond and released to the light: all images merely float by released to the light, feelings float by released to the light, thoughts float by released to the light which is effortlessly aware of all of them; and effortlessly dissolve into the light…These are not what I am for I am aware of them, I am beyond… I am the light…and the light disperses all into love’s ever-present essence: strength, power, limitless certainty ~the grandeur of reality~ always present, always alive…
Miracles are seen in light and allow that one recognize oneSelf...It is the light in us that is already always awake. Always- fully- present. It is, in this instant, right now, effortlessly noticing everything that seemingly arises, that dispels seeming darkness into the light in which we see ~our vast infinite awareness, the deep recognition of what is… always, already, aware, awake…
We place our faith where it is worthy of the Son of God, today, and feel His Strength and walk in certainty…
Yes, we join in this holy purpose, unified and sure… We do not walk alone for He walks beside us as the light within, which lights our way and by which all miracles are seen…

Miracles are seen in light… The Course tells us that the task of the miracle worker is to deny the denial of truth. Since miracles are merely the translation of denial into truth, it is our willingness to put our faith in that seeming unknown that keeps bringing us back to this Course, these lessons, each other… that unknown is the light…. The goal is to accept the atonement for ourselves. The methodology for this is the miracle; the light that burns away the darkness~ the dense obscure tremor of the denial of light. Forgiveness is the means at our disposal, NOW, to release the past denial of truth to be replaced by the present experience of the presence of Light Itself~ and all strength and power and certainly are ours for the asking… What am I? I am the light in which all miracles are seen. Offering miracles has now become the modus operandi… and miracles abound…

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