Monday, May 21, 2007

Lesson 142:

My mind holds only what I think with God…

I thank my Father for His gifts to me…

Let me remember I am one with God...

The simple methodology the Course sets forth in this review is designed to allow for the free-flowing nature of our ‘real’ thoughts ~love thoughts, to main the happy exchange of itself through us.

My Mind, which is the mind that thinks with God, has one purpose in this world. I accept the Atonement. Through forgiveness of the thoughts that block loves awareness, love expands mind in holy gratitude for everyone and all situations, which now become a reflection of our unity and wholeness. What other possible response could one make of a brother, when one sees their own salvation shining in this brother’s forgiving eyes, once we cease to make of him a weapon for destruction, and find appreciation instead?

Appreciation brings with it the memory of the ancient truth, the memory of Creator and His creation as One…

Once we dedicate our willingness to (know nothing by way of the ego thought system) but allow any tiny instant be available for the Holy Spirit’s interpretation, we can readily see the inclusive nature of the world when gratitude and peace are present in awareness.

On the other hand, the slightest un-forgiveness renders one prisoner to aloneness. However, this state can now be recognized as false, and the need for correction is recognized.

At this stage of our healing, we are no longer wholly insane. When we experience of a lack of peace, it is an instant recognition that a call for love and healing is present… An overlay of ego images to distort the eternal light of Christ has been allowed into our field vision, yet the remedy is quick and painless.

We loose the mind of all it thought it was, letting those images float off like tiny bubbles till only the still peace of God rest certainly in mind. This instant, we know the wholeness of our eternal oneness with God. We are magnetized by the power of the truth beneath the surface mind which we now easily slip past to the well of joy, present and always.

The defense of getting and the perpetuation that someone must loose makes forgiveness impossible.

Unity is our Father’s gift to us, and when we remember first to rest within the mind we share with God, ours decisions and actions follow suit, for our behavior always follows the dictates of what we believe we are. The miracle corrects our unbelief in our holiness allowing for our behavior to now reflect the gifts we have received, as we answer to the ever-increasing desire to give all to all. This reflection of our natural oneness with each other rests certainly in our mind as the memory that we are one with God, where we rest forever in peace.

Here is our home now, while the business of forgiving the world we made, passes, screen by screen, to be reviewed with the Holy Spirit, reinterpreted for healing within the whole of God’s plan for salvation. Then on to the next… There’s nothing personal about it.

The personal is seen as the character worthy of a unified life within the whole… nothing is lost and everything is gained, toward the full remembrance of God and our One Self in Him.

~We set our day along the pathways of the thoughts we think with God, as we begin this day and each hour, re-member-ing as the urge for forgiveness prompts~ We can rest surely that this day is one of salvation and wholeness and peace…

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