Saturday, May 26, 2007

Lesson 147:

My mind holds only what I think with God…

Holding this poignant truth as a core constant to background the events of our days eases the strategic mind up a bit. Wouldn’t you agree? It introduces patience with others, and ourselves, that all is somehow going as planned, on a level beyond our ability in this world to muster, but certainly within our ability to accept. N’est pas? And does it not seem less complicated, not to have to ‘be in charge’ of something completely out of the ego’s league?

We come empty handed unto truth. Sure, we brings with us the illusions that had promised us happiness, our heads full of programs to project on to a screen of nothingness to ‘materialize’ a solid world where special interest’s reign. Our body’s eyes see only those projections, and we choose amongst them which ones we like and which ones we judge unworthy and a threat. Our body’s ears hear only broken language with interpretations to numerous to be singly reliable. And we bring our brother, and all that we have made him represent for us, to make this illusion of attack and defense real enough in time to displace the relentless, perpetual guilt always nipping at our heels… Let me perceive forgiveness as it is… These gifts we bring because we believed the impossible could happen and illusion could take the place of truth.

This, whatever we have made of ourselves, whatever we believed about reality, is the best we have to offer; all this little king of this little kingdom has to give. And we give it all, bringing it before the mighty justice of truth for reinterpretation and reinstruction…

Yet, we come with empty hands because we come with the willingness to be wrong about our version of reality. Here is our reconnection with the truth about our Self. We have recognized we do not know and have become willing to be taught… and we learn a new meaning: that everyone and every situation and circumstance and event is awaiting our reception through the means, forgiveness, at our disposal. And what’s more, we are beginning to understand that forgiveness is the only mode we want because we see now that it is the only thing that keeps beat to happiness, joy and peace within this world.

Our values change naturally as a matter of course, revealing the valueless nature of anything that can’t be shared with all, always… I will not value what is valueless…

Isn’t this settling in period with the Course instruction, just such a yummy, comforting time? We have simplified intoto the critical aspect for the reversal of our thinking from fear to love, from otherness to togetherness and the inside job has become the eternal job of unity. Thank you for joining where joining is possible…


Anonymous said...

what does eclectic children mean?

danét said...

varied and fabulous...