Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lesson 145:

My mind holds only what I think with God…

It is impossible to see two worlds…

In this world we have really but one choice~ to view the world through the warped and distorted lens of the ego which dreams itself solid every day as we awake… Here we have the same old dirge of disappointments, betrayals, and false hopes…. Beyond this world is a world I want ~We can, however, accept the correction for this distortion; a corrected prescription, if you will, and see with the vision of the Holy Spirit. One shows separate, competing elements sometimes twisted together to resemble relationships. The other shows the interconnectedness and perfectly harmonic unity of all elements unified in one purpose of love.

This foundation is so crucial to accept in order to have the necessary objectivity to allow all forgiveness lessons to be seen as what they are, so correction can take place. We personally, just won’t forgive!

Forgiveness by definition sees no differences. It can’t be personal. This is what heals. As long as there is a personal agenda, we are in the wrong mind. The right mind sees that all must gain because all is one. It doesn’t care what the circumstances look like. Unity through love is its only goal. There is no compromise possible between the impossible and the true. Here’s the thing though, we don’t, and can’t actually, have the big picture while our beliefs in time and space remain; while the unlearning of all we taught ourselves, the undoing of the thought system of misperception is being healed and corrected.

The agent for God, the Answer, the Teacher; the corrected lens ~Holy Spirit has the ‘big picture’ covered. So we can lean back and bring our petty or monstrous little problems and misperceptions to Him and He’ll mix it up in the whole batch of Atonement and take care of every single element and aspect with perfect unified precision. Just this willingness to change lenses, to be vigilant for truth to be returned to full remembrance, is all that’s required of us… not a bad gig… not bad at all…

It’s not like we’re looking for a completely unknown answer after all, is it? We’re no longer wholly insane… The realization, that in truth, our mind holds only what we think with God has found its footing and is firmly established deep with our mind now.

It has a pull like the earth’s core, drawing us ever inward when we get out too far, yes? If it feels frustrating at times and we seem to lose our way, the realization that this is just a forgiveness lesson is always close at hand… There is a deep peace that comes with allowing certainty to replace hypothetical theories about ‘how things should be’, and allow all things to be exactly as they are…

I am joined with you in our common purpose. Our faith is in the inevitable return to whole-mind. ~With deepest gratitude ~

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