I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me…
It can be but myself I crucify.
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me…
Surely, we have all gotten honest enough with ourselves by this stage of the curriculum; to not only recognize that we can do nothing to ‘someone else’ that does not directly give the same feeling set to ourselves, but also, to begin to take that awareness into consideration while making decisions. Yes?
I know for me, the consequences of even the slightest lean in the direction of other-hood; victim-hood, attack, defense, causes a level of discomfort to my integrity, so intolerable as to demand an accounting from me, usually prior to any acting on the negative thought. And, of course, I can never justify it. What the Course says; ‘anger is not justified in any form’ is living, breathing, reality for me… So too is the fact that forgiveness is always justified.
You know what used to always hook me up in the past, and then loop me back around and around the merry-go-round of ‘not quite getting-it’? “Why”. Asking why, thinking I needed to understand why something happened or why I was a certain way; why someone behaved or felt ~whatever. As if… as if these why-items were at all real, yeah? Hello! There can be not understanding in insanity. Duh. “Why”, I noticed, basically resonates in the domain of the ego. Every time I want to know ‘why’, I am just searching for a target to shift my 100% responsibility for my life experience on to. I am attempting to escape accountability…
Of course, that is impossible. And the way I feel, always reminds me of that I am wholly responsible, and brings me back to the truth for my answers. I get what I give. There are only two emotions in this world; love and fear. And of those only one is real. Only one of them feels good; joyous, happy and free. Love sets me in alignment with my Self… Forgiveness is the alchemy that takes any seeming difficult or differences-latent situation and transforms it into brotherhood, oneness and the peace of God.
And that all the ‘need-to-know’ I need to know, to do my part. Thanks for Joining me.
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