Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lesson 266:

My holy self abides in you, God’s Son…

“Father, You gave me all Your Sons, to be my saviors and my counselors in sight; the bearers of Your holy Voice to me. In them are You reflected, and in them does Christ look back upon me from my Self. Let not Your Son forget Your holy Name. Let not Your Son forget his holy Source. Let not Your Son forget his Name is Yours.”

Once the decision for the Atonement is made, healing can’t help but be seen… For everywhere in everyone we see but our Self, shining in the light of Christ love. As our forgiveness becomes the only thing we have to do, the reason for why we are always at the right place at the right time becomes obvious. And we recognize it for what it is and not the seeming circumstances it is wrapped in. Temptation to see what is not there through projection looses its appeal, as the feeling of wholeness and everlasting purpose replace it.

I am interested in you, holy Son of God. For in my relationship with you is the only way I can re-member my Self. Each day I look forward to meeting my Self in the myriad of holy encounters laid out for my arrival home… We are united in the holy Love of God and there is no where and nothing else. How joyous to see and value only this… thank you…

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