God’s healing Voice protects all things today…
Ultimately, I have no concerns… The Voice for God speaks to me, as with my brothers, all the time. Beneath the dynamic surface skin of time and space and persons and events, the calm assurance of perfection speaks to me; directing my thoughts, guiding my actions, healing my misperceived waves of unbelief, imbuing all seeming situations with the love of my being… the unifying Self which each brother and circumstance mirrors back to me.
Turns out it is easier to hear than I ever dreamed when I started this so-called journey of awakening… for it is the one constant… The Voice for God, quietly, powerfully, calling me to return home… And the feeling is nothing short of peaceful; a calm assurance that perfection is… and nothing can impede upon what God created.
I am as God created me… This statement, in short, represents the Word of God and the Atonement guaranteed that we would all remember fully~ the truth. So what is there to worry about? We can’t do it wrong… The Holy Spirit will correct all errors within our mind; reinterpret any misperceived situation and offer forgiveness’s picture of oneness instead…
My one job, so to speak, is to choose but God’s healing Voice instead of pain; be host to God rather than hostage to the ego… What do I have to loose? Nothing (literally). The ego voice (fingernails on chalkboard) really never had my best interests in mind… No, it had it own survival at stake, made real for me by my belief in it. My mistake was believing this to be myself… I was merely wrong~ about everything… What I found, was that in the surrender of thinking I know, the Voice for God obvious. It was clear and certain and constant… I can’t imagine how I ever missed it…
We can afford to give up control and lean back and let the Voice for God lead the way. Let today be a day where we look for the ways that God’s healing Voice protects all things with certainty and love in all our perceptions and encounters…
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