My body is a wholly neutral thing…
Neutral, having no agenda of its own, the body is at the service of where I place my mind. Will I be hostage to the ego or host to God? This is a question served up in the text that I have use throughout my process to zero me back to a place where I could get honest and begin to question the meaning I had given the particular circumstance I was in…
Returning the mind to the service of the Holy Spirit when I had been engaged in body fantasies to hurt myself did not come so easily, for me. I felt: ‘I got myself into this, I better get myself out.’ Shame ruled the day. Even after I had felt the hand of the Holy Spirit on my heart, I still forgot and allowed myself to get totally caught up in body-identity… For the longest time, I saw body importance as a particularly unworthy form of worship that I had become, unfortunately, completely addicted to, and not only the problem, but solving it. It was undeniably a nightmare on the horror scale… but, it was nothing more.
The thing about our nightmares, or dreams of any kind, is that they are not real… and when we wake up, who we are has not been altered in any way. Merely a part of the mind made up another scenario for a second, while we remained as we always were…
The thing for me was that I got tired of being a loser, in the win-lose body world… And what I noticed is that if I stayed out of the body piece of it altogether, like “here, you deal with this. I can’t handle it right now,” and focused exclusively on my mind and returning it to the Holy Spirit; bringing every belief and value I held, up for review and correction, the body identity dropped away, as spirit identity took its place.
What interests me now about the body is how and if it is useful in communicating with my brothers and our communing with our Father… I am all about the love and how we can drop the façade and experience our Self as we truly are as God created…
Please join me in today’s lesson’s prayer:
“The body, Father, cannot be Your Son. And what is not created cannot be sinful nor sinless; neither good nor bad. Let us, then, use this dream to help Your plan that we awaken from all dreams we made.”
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