Monday, November 19, 2007

Lesson 324:

I merely follow, for I would not lead…

One of the most compelling features of my experience with A Course in Miracles is that I have felt moved (inspired), almost like a gravitational pull toward the message’s axis. While reading, contemplating and in particular, practicing it’s principles through the lessons, I have felt certain, yet unexplainable ‘on the mark’ feeling…Some significant place e within me unlocked and opened for truth to flow through, which I wasn’t even aware was there, let alone all locked up. Yet I felt it open…

This spaciousness certainty includes feeling energies such as, imperturbability, safety, un-questionability and inevitability, which I found defined themselves from within some inner translation center I was fore-to-then unfamiliar with. Yet, this very hub was absolutely the center from which I drew the wholly comforting feeling that I was finally coming back home….

From this place within, I felt myself unexplainably humming the message of today’s lesson within my heart: “I merely follow, for I would not lead”… even if my actions rarely reflected it. Now, as a controller, this is a miracle… Oh, how I attempted to lead…

Denial is one seductive bedfellow, yes? My experience at the time was weak in articulation and limited in scope, but my desire to follow was pure. Being hardwired by the ego and identifying with ego hardware and its programs, made for some very convoluted, bumpy going, at times. Many times taking some pretty upside-down twists of irresponsibility, which resulted in excruciating shame, quilt ~ (yet, always, ultimately blessed with gorgeous forgiveness).

Still, they couldn’t totally rock me off the path that had indelibly opened within me, where God never left, but always called me back on track toward the home I never really left…

Oh, how lovely it is to be free… To finally realize and accept that God’s plan for salvation (and only His plan) not only turns out to be the only shot at freedom in this so-called life, but outlines a clear and present methodology, a single purpose, so as to not confuse.

Simplicity is now, within the present moment. Plus, we have perfect companions along the way in which we forgive and join with, in which to know ourselves and reaffirm our awareness of what we are as well as what we believe at any given moment....

And to top it off, our coach and guide is, always, right within our mind; always on task, available to awareness upon request. In the presence of NOW, the futile effort to dispute ‘what is’ disappears, for time is but an illusion to keep this argument alive…

For me, it is just such bliss to follow in the way appointed me by Love… leaving all the details as well to Him… and so much simpler, nest pas?

Along the lines of this section of the lessons, ”What is Creation”, I have been thinking about Sekou, a beautiful spoken word artist, a dear friend turned me on to, and a piece of his work is playing in the background of my mind. I am attaching the link for your enjoyment.

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