All things I think I see reflect ideas…
Boy, I can witness to the fact of this statement. Here’s what I’ve noticed; whatever way and for whatever reason, at any I am viewing the world, my-so-called life and what seems to be the lives of ‘others’, this fact: ‘All things I think I see reflect ideas’, relentlessly stares back at me. What I am seeing is what is in my mind… And how I see it, reflects what I believe to be so…
Prior to ACIM as a model, I suspected this. I observed that somehow, someway, what I thought and believed; even believed by wishing it not true, were being influenced, at the very least, by attention to them in my mind. Then I met the Course… And ah, I now had, a formula to pull this awareness forward in my mind to the point of true attention, rather than the addictive attention to form based structures, brought on by bringing my mind under the influence of the whole unconscious belief construct of the separation idea.
The precise articulation of this concept gave me a language for which I could be honest with myself. And perhaps more accurately, it gave me a whole new use for language in which to describe perception, as well as everything I seemed to perceive.
Now from this right-sided vision, I see only one thing, everything I see is only my mind; ideas I have aligned with, and only my mind that I am faced with. “I am responsible for what I see, I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve. And anything that seems happen to me I ask for, and receive as I have asked”. (T-21.II.2.3)
Will I choose the ideas of creation as host to God, or will I choose ideas that I have made up and be hostage to them? That is the question…
All of what is happening behind the scenes so to speak, is that I decide I want something as a possible “it” (even if ‘it’ is to scary to even consider consciously) the very decision to fear, details out the specifics in some department behind closed doors. But ‘its’ reality in my mind is in process. Like happened with the idea of separation, it’s like it went something like this; ‘what if one could separate from his source and make a world apart? … Oh, shit that’s too scary to even dream about… ~huge~ ‘what if’.
Once conceived of by the mind of the Son of God, for god’s sake, with all power of creation given him as the natural effect of God the Father, his Cause; it stands to reason that the ideas’ possibility prospectus would by drawn up. Ergo the Atonement principle…. Ideas leave not their source. This primary theme threads together the fabric of the message of the Course, and is consistently reestablished by its holographic design. ~Hum, just like us~
God’s Son is as God created: the whole extension of His Love~ Extension is Love’s only purpose. Therefore, nothing else could possibly ever happen… Love is what it is, such as are we the love that we were creeated, being one whole creation…
“God is”… says it all~ literally…
Please join me in the yummy reflection prayer to carry into the day…
“Our Father, Your ideas reflect the truth, and mine apart from Yours but make up dreams. Let me behold what only Yours reflect, for Yours and Yours alone establish truth”. ~
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