“I am blessed as a Son of God… “
Ummm… to feel completely satiated… I have no hunger for I am fulfilled. I have no thirst for I am quenched…my so-called life is like the glass reflection of the sun off the ocean and I am beneath the reflection within the warm embrace of wholeness…bathed in magnificent holiness, serene certainty and endless peace…forgiveness having left my mind clear and clean of seeming wants and/or needs. I have “leaned back” and He has led the way, joyously I recognize I have been here all along…
I am blessed as a Son of God… ~This thought has been in the back of my mind for…well, as long as I can remember…well actually ~forever… it didn’t necessarily take on the form of these particular words, but it has been there, nonetheless…following me around, nipping at my heels; like a little puppy, begging attention. Every time, every single time, I turned around in my mind~ there it was…”I am blessed as a Son of God…”
Yet, throughout my so-called life of Danét, I was haunted by a constant, secret companion, sort of an imaginary friend if you will, applying this nagging feeling of fraudulency to everything I did; this feeling like whatever I was doing, saying, etc. was not really true. No matter how truthful I was trying to be (and believe me, I tried to be honest~ a lot), there was always this evocative feeling ‘I was making it all up’. I could never put my finger on what this was. Try as I might, I couldn’t get to the source of it ~ it eluded me…and disturbed me… Something was sort of not ‘just right’, There was an essence that like I was never really living ‘my’ life… afraid of being found acting, pretending…while all the while, always trying to be more honest, authentic, me… Disheartening to say the least…
~A little side-note that changed my life was seeing trying from a higher view: a marvelous, life changing ah- ha actually, to realize that the very act of trying was pushing what I was ‘trying for’ away ~that the try satisfied its maker ~ the thought of TRY)
So anyway, I turn around in my mind, to this nagging, nipping ‘something’ …and, THERE I AM, right where I seemingly left myself…already, complete ~blessed as a Son of God… Duh! Nothing else was true! This life is fraudulent …designed to make a “me” as dictated by its dictator~ ego …designed to blot truth/God out. No wonder it was never a perfect fit.
I only fit perfectly as Christ, alongside and within the Sonship and the Mind of God. There never was a time this wasn’t true and nothing else but this ever was. “God is my life. I cannot be apart from Him.”
Now, only now, can I see. ~I see the Fact ~God ~everywhere in everything.
~The vast peace of finally surrendering to the only possibility that could be true~ God, the only Cause ~ created me, His Son, from the only thing He had~ Himself/God~ And I am still as God created me. This is an experience of unspeakable security. ~Nothing could go wrong.
…I am blessed as a Son of God… forgiveness has blessed me with the miracle ~ the shift in perception from differences to sameness ~the forgiven world revealed…
And my gratitude to all of you, my brothers, bathes my soul, blessing us both...joyous, happy, free…
Thank You God for creating Love as All in All, Whole, Complete, Perfect, and without an opposite~ blessed as the Son of God…
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