Saturday, March 3, 2007

~Lesson 62~

Lesson 62:

Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world…
Forgiveness is the mechanism available to me to ‘teach only love’~ being all that I am…. It restores to me the memory of truth … It is my formula for happiness...
Really understanding what the course is talking about here with forgiveness, it seems to me, can only be learned by practice ~lots of it. A diligence and discipline worthy of God's Son and one I have given over to the Holy Spirit for my habitualization... It's working.
For me, at some point, I took the only step left, that was honest for me to take~ the ‘one’ leap of faith~ into letting ‘Only The Truth Is True’, be true ~s i g h~ and I ‘leaned back’ and began to rest in TRUST ~ in a willingness to be shown… I began to experience that my little willingness was not only enough, but enough because it is the only thing I have to give, honestly…
Trust shows that we are not alone, the answer is with us and within us and forgiveness demonstrates this by lighting the path in which to look past anything that is not in accord with everything… therefore restoring wholeness to my mind…
I cannot contain my gratitude for this holy gift ~for in it I SEE CHRIST! Forgiveness is the one formula of the Atonement principle, which is an act of love, given us by our creator, that when offered with the Holy Spirit, allows Love’s light to dawn.
I realize now, that forgiveness is the method for removing the barriers to loves awareness, that the course talks about, by allowing me to the see the belief in guilt, sin, and fear projected out and made into a “universe/ world/ family/ special-relationships/ personal so-called life”, as what it really is ~ FALSE~ therefore, a call for Love… And that is all…That is all!
~Then naturally, with no effort on my part, I become propelled forward, back into love’s presence… looking right past the ‘dreamed/drummed up situation'… to the irresistible call of Love. Forgiveness lets me “teach only love ~for that is what I am” … the meaning of the resurrection…alive in me…
To teach is to demonstrate. And when truth dawns light enlightening the mind ~ everything that ever seemed to be, fades into the shadowy backdrop of the function of forgiveness…
Only through forgiveness ~that’s forgiveness-for-salvation ~the term Jesus uses in the “Song of Prayer” supplement to the Course, do I demonstrate the Light of Christ. Here’s what it says:

“Forgiveness-for-salvation… it does not ask for proof of innocence, not pay of any kind. It does not argue, nor evaluate the errors that it wants to overlook. It does not offer gifts in treachery, nor promise freedom while it asks for death. Would God deceive you? He but asks for trust and willing ness to learn how to be free. He gives His Teacher to whoever asks, and seeks to understand the Will of God. His readiness to give lies far beyond your understanding and your simple grasp. Yet He has willed you learn the way to Him, and in His willing there is certainty.
You child of God, the gifts of God are yours, not by you plans but by His holy will. His Voice will teach you what forgiveness is, and how to give it as He will it be. Do not, then, seek to understand what is beyond you yet, but let it be a way to draw you up to where the eyes of Christ become the sight you choose. Give up all else, for there is nothing else. When someone calls for help in any form, He is the One to answer for you. All that you need do is to step back and not it interfere. Forgiveness-for-salvation is His task, and it is He Who will respond for you.”

I witness to this… It is my experience… Could any thing be more comforting? Peace is inevitable, I’ve noticed, without my interference… It was my interference that got me into this, where forgiveness is necessary, in the first place, wasn’t it? …The least I can do, and the most too, it turns out, is NOT TO INTERFERE.
He has called and I have chosen to listen… “Behold the greatest help that God ordained to be with you until you reach to Him. Illusion’s end will come with this. Unlike the timeless nature of its sister, prayer, forgiveness has an end. For it becomes unneeded when the rising up is done. Yet now it has a purpose beyond which you cannot go, nor have you need to go. Accomplish this and you have been redeemed. Accomplish this and you have been transformed. Accomplish this and you will save the world’…
What a profound occurrence of wakefulness this has been for me…. Thank you my brothers ~ There is no personal anything and without you I would be lost. Together we light the world through fulfilling our function of forgiveness…and Happiness is our happy return…I cannot go without you, for you are part of me

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