I will there be light… There is no will but God’s…
Simply, this is all… This is the premise I accepted and therefore allowed my mind to open to accepting the Atonement for myself… Just this; no will but God’s willing light… Ahhh… Honestly, is there any thing to do but simply lean back and rest in peace and surety?
Trust would settle every seeming problem now… Shadows of ancient ego thinking seem to cress before my perception, but they are merely shadows dissipated by the light. I need but look again.
And I look not with the body’s eyes, they cannot see. They were made not to see, and can only carry out the instructions of the maker, since ideas leave not their source.
I look from a Source deeper still, and deep in the stillness through the vision born of the idea it is God’s Will I see. And what I see but represents His Will, which left not its Source, and is but the very Light itself, quiet calm of the light of Christ…
I look serenely upon all misperceptions without fear, and with total faith in everyone and situation. It’s not that I align my will with God’s, I real-ize there is no other will ~ only God’s…By allowing for this, by simply no interfering, the Holy Spirit transforms my sight, revealing each seeming shadow form in its corrected form ~where only the love that was called upon remains to rest within the holy mind of the Son of God.
This is my will ~ the one I share with God. Choosing to look once again, from the place where one purpose, unified and sure, has been set ~ the Holy Spirit is within my mind and this is my part in God’s plan for salvation. Transforming all calls for love before my sight is the Holy Spirit’s… It’s none of my concern how or when this will happen. I am concerned only with trust… Trust does settle every concern, NOW…. Time is at the disposal of the miracle. It is enough on that I simply notice, by the way I feel, when a lack of peace has entered, and recognize it as the forgiveness signpost that it is… “There is no will but God's… This is part of God's Will for me, however I may see it… In the light this will look different… Let me perceive this in accordance with the Will of God…”
I simply ask the question: “What is this for ~ what is the meaning of what I perceive?” ~And the light has come to look upon it gently with the Holy Spirit… I want only to know my Father’s Will for me… I want to remember it is my will as His… it is, truly the only will I have… the only will I want…There is no will but God's…
A prayer from one of the later lessons in the workbook is playing in the background of my mind… here’s what it says:
“Father, I will but to remember You… What can I seek for, Father, but Your Love? Perhaps I think I seek for something else; a something I have called by many names. Yet is Your Love the only thing I seek, or ever sought. For there is nothing else that I could ever really want to find. Let me remember You. What else could I desire but the truth about myself?” (W-L. 231)
It is the light of this truth we will to recognize, that we share today, and always… for it is our Father’s Will…
Light shall guide today. Follow it where it leads, and look only on what it shows. This day, experience the peace of true perception...
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