I am entitled to miracles… Let miracles replace all grievances…
I am thinking about this idea of miracles and how right up front in the Course we get a thorough description of what miracles are. We are not looking for the experience of ‘revelation’ here~ we are looking to undo misperceptions… waking from the dream of otherness…
The idea that something other than what is, could be, was the first misperception… The sense that something could be lacking was the first grievance… The law of creation has continued along its natural lines, only channeled by misdirection, within the sleeping mind. The first idol was the self-concept, which was made ‘special’ by the use of the concept of time and space, separating itself out from the rest in some distinguishable way (body) and therefore had to squeeze all creation’s expression through limited channels of selves. Creation does not change because we harbor a favor for limit. We get what we ask for… So we placed the mind under the disposal of limitation, (perhaps to feel we can ‘control’ how thing work out), we get a sense of specialness from this ‘new god’/self’ that the old one wasn’t offering… don’t we? We get to be the boss of or own self and our own world… so there… The obvious next step is “ok, what will make ‘me’ happy”, right? Something is drastically off if I get to be god and I’m not happy, eh? It’s lonely at the top? It’s just plain lonely… to be ‘special’ (also known as the ‘detour into hell”…)…
Here’s where miracles come in. the first recognition of the presence of the miracle is the idea “maybe I am wrong ~ maybe there is another way ~ maybe I’m off the mark’…
We are so lucky… we have A Course in Miracles… so really; we don’t have to figure anything out any more. We can be exactly were we find ourselves at any given moment in time (for as long as time is a construct within our minds), and when I say find ourselves, I mean: the glitch in the program of the ego mind that seems to be going along its merry way, and we say, “Stop! Wait just a blinkin’ minute here, this doesn’t feel so good. I don’t want it! This is the moment of willingness to be shown another way. This engages the miracle template:
“To change your mind means to place it at the disposal of
And for those of us who answered to call to return via A Course in Miracles, need only show up and wake up. Of course, how this looks can get really convoluted at times, I’m sure I’m not the only one that systematically attempted to reformat the Course to my comfort level ~ [it’s the nature of the beast, ego.]
The groovy part is that it is just this type of interference on ‘my’ part that the forgiveness principle/practice dispels.
And the Miracles… they are already there, waiting replacement of any of ‘my’ thinking, as ready as I am willing to be corrected.
It a simple program really: 1) we are just undoing. We don’t and can’t perform miracle on our own, we can only recognize our need for them ~ by our lack of peace. 2) Jesus is directing IT ALL, since He is the symbol of the Atonement principle~ so it isn’t on our shoulders to get the miracle or give it. The Holy Spirit orchestrates that, through Jesus’ direction, so we can’t mess it up… when we’re not ready to join… it waits…till we are. The atonement with all its messengers, won’t quit on us… even if we seem to quit, for a second, on ourselves… what never happened cannot be real and realty will not rest until it is restored to its own completeness.
3) Plus, ‘we’ don’t ‘do’ the miracles, they are done through us by our willingness to change our mind about… well, everything, I guess, it turns out, in the end…
So, our focus must be about ‘miracles’. We are entitled to them because of who we are in truth and this very same truth, systematically replaces grievances with miracles by way of forgiveness. And none of this is under our split mind control, seeing as by splitting the mind in itself is a loss of power and confusion about power and control and who’s in charge. ~ It is enough to say, “we’re not”...
If we can accept this simple possibility, we can begin the dismantling of the “AUTHORITY ISSUE”; the confusion of authorship, which was the template for the ‘detour into hell’… Now that’s a good deal…
And, we’ve got the course, and we’re suiting up and showing up, and waking up, and miracles abound… And we even notice…
One has to admit, things, over all, are looking up… and PEACE is being restored…
“This is a course in mind training. All learning involves attention and study at some level. Some of the later parts of the course rest too heavily on these earlier sections not to require their careful study. You will also need them for preparation. Without this, you may become much too fearful of what is to come to make constructive use of it. However, as you study these earlier sections, you will begin to see some of the implications that will be amplified later on… A solid foundation is necessary because of the confusion between fear and awe to which I have already referred, and which is often made. (T-1.VII.4-5)
It’s so good to revisit and review these initial sections of the Course ~ elementary, my dear Watson, so to speak…
I expect only miracles today… thank you, thank you….
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