Give me your blessing, holy Son of God…
This is, of course, as are all miracles, the ideal lesson practice for me today. I went to sleep last night with the prayer of surrender: “I am willing to see this differently”, in mind. I have learned to trust in the Holy Spirit strength and knowing whenever I feel out of integrity with the truth of what I am, which is only love. I knew He would reveal the truth to me where I had dummied up a situation where I had lost perspective and thought something else was going on.
Love calls only to itself and for a moment I had given into seeing something else instead. It’s funny, while I’m writing this; I can’t really remember the details of what the “problem” was. What I knew is that it couldn’t be real, but that because I was experiencing a loss of peace, I had somehow made it so for myself.
I am aware from experience that all seeming problems are really one problem: the belief in separation. And that the solution is also one: remember we are the One Son of God, together as Christ Love. I had lost perspective last night, by what was an obvious forgiveness opportunity, a call for love, which I made the mistake of thinking I needed to understand…
Boy, that is such a red-flag for me; a way my ego tries (and has succeeded way often) to reel me into false perspective and wrong thinking. I have been such a sucker for ‘needing to understand why’. Talk about futility! …One could say I made a career out of it. Thank Heaven the Holy Spirit used that very compulsion to understand, to show me I couldn’t know, but in trusting His Voice, instead I could see…)
It’s like the big cosmic duh! Nothing in the world of form is understandable! It was made for the purpose of hiding out in confusion so we wouldn’t remember the truth! (brain-fart)
This morning I am a babe in His holy arms… I chose one brother, representing all and instantly, humbly, I saw his was indeed the face of Christ: a love so complete, I was instantly aware of my perfect innocence. His seeming appearance dissolved into the light of one-mind, the mind I share with him. I buckled with gratitude and wept the tears of salvation, washing away an ancient belief that had been looping me into a sense of separateness in which I had imprisoned myself and my brother. Joyously I remembered that perfect love casts out fear and we are only perfect love, and nothing else is real…
your writings are beautiful, but a little off topic i see children being what we call legally abused all the time by well meaning peoplean right now iam feeling very bad about it Do you have any suggestions to help me?
I is important always to remember that we are all only as God created us and nothing else is real, but merely illusion to be forgiven, where it is brought to and dispelled by the truth.
Nothing real can be threatened~
Nothing unreal exists~
Herein lies the peace of God...
so what your saying is it really does not matter what kids go through because it is not true,in t
the end everything will be forgiven
precisely~ all will be recognized as forgiven and purified and in its natural state of grace; whole and complete and one in the Love of God, forever...
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