I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me…
I bless the world because I bless myself…
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me…
Joy is my natural state. Forgiveness allows for me to let go all resistance to experiencing the fullness of this joy that I am. In other words, to release the blocks to love’s awareness, accepted within the mind with acceptance of a belief in identity not my own.
Now, this is what I have come to see: the more I forgive the false by merely recognizing that if it doesn’t feel good, it isn’t true and simply giving the situation over to the Holy Spirit for correction, letting go all expectation of what that correction might look like, leaning back, and letting the Holy Spirit show me; the more I trust that what is, right here, right now, could be the only perfect way things could go for the good of all. And the simplicity of letting joy rip is at ready access as the experience of my Self. So this becomes the way I bless myself and therefore the world.
This is the blessing methodology of the miracle. I bring the darkness I have been hiding in, from and believing in, to the Holy Spirit’s light. How do I know what to bring and when? Any time I feel any kind of alteration the pure, full-on flow of joy, it is right there: forgiveness lesson opportunity.
Always, this results in feelings of camaraderie with all involved and a warm glow of peace… at the least. So who wouldn’t do it, if they knew how much more of what they really want, comes through forgiveness rather than competition? Who wouldn’t take the deal, if they knew? My blessing is to bless everyone I encounter with my Self as the presence of this choice, and unite with the Self in them, blessing me again in return. Joy is always the natural result…
Thank you, my brothers who are one with me.
We are not a body. We are free.
For we are still as God created that we be…
Joyous, happy and free…
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