Saturday, July 28, 2007

Lesson 210:

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am as still as God created me.

I choose the joy of God instead of pain…

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am as still as God created me.

Here’s something I have learned. I can not hear the Voice for God from a pain point of reference. As long I am in pain; as long as I am thoroughly immersed in my belief in the state of pain; whether it be seemingly physical pain or emotional pain or mental pain (well, it’ all really mental now, isn’t it), no matter how sincere I ask for help, the answer eludes me. I have already the experience I want to be real for me ~ pain. And pain and the joy of God simply cannot occupy the same place.

I simply must choose again. It requires but an instant of suspended thought that I know what is, and the desire to see things differently. And that is enough. I have place the key in the door of the new perspective and the Holy Spirit within my mind unlocks and swings wide open the floodgates of my true nature of Love and the joy of God.

Now my seeming pain can be seen for what it is: a forgiveness lesson; merely as misperception about who I am and why I am here. And healing can begin.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I know it is a constant redirect process sometimes (a lot of times) because the seeming pain has got a sufficient hold, through practiced belief, in my mind. But that is just what it is: a practiced skill; the skill of shutting off the flow of joy that is my true Self. And mastering a skill does not change who one is in truth.

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am as still as God created me.


The rest is the restoration of the mind of God’s Son to the truth; unearthing every false thought ever believed and re-member-ing the authentic Self within it; re-uniting all the pieces within one holographic instant of prefect peace as the complete whole we are as one…

Today, let us let joy rip and listen to the Voice for God in gratitude and love for all our brother and our Self…

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