Friday, July 27, 2007

Lesson 209:

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

I feel the Love of God within me now.

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

The thing about faithfulness is that one has a clear point of reference. And we are faithful to what we value.

At this stage of the curriculum, we have begun to question all our beliefs and the values they represented, as well as the blind faith we had in them. As a matter of fact, we have likely opened our minds to the absolute insanity of the circular reasoning that held the values of survival in the mirage of falsehood… While the light of truth has begun to dawn… and with it, we feel the Love of God within us now…

Through forgiveness, we have begun to feel Love’s presence more and more as our natural state, shedding the shadows of the dark clouds of nothingness that slip easily away when their illusory content is exposed. The light of love is the feeling of our Self we feel as we let go our judgment of what is real; what is truth and false, and allow the Holy Spirit within our mind, which joins all minds as one, to judge for us. Trust is the natural result of faithfulness to purpose…

The love of God is what we are, what created us and what sets us free from all the trumped-up identities we have ever tried on for size, put faith in and now, forgiven…

I am not a body. I am free.

For I am still as God created me…

We rest in the Love of God alone and it is from this place of peace we begin our day…

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