I will not use the body’s eyes today…
Today we practice ‘seeing with’ instead of ‘looking at’. We make no assumptions of reality, about what the body’s eyes report. Instead we place their images upon the touchstone of forgiveness and wait in quiet expectancy for Christ’s vision to reveal their meaning and usefulness for good, for all… And, of course, in the instant we no longer assume we know, a new perception; one which fills the heart with unity and joy, and reveals the reason for our being at this perfect place at this perfect time…
We have an ease about us, which is spontaneously inviting to all around us… Facts the body’s eyes report cannot answer why this is so. But the Christ in each and every one of us is merely allowed to see itself in the shinning brilliance of the Son of God…
What we are aware of is a deep abiding peace…
Sure, on the screen is written the script and the forgiven script; with all the characters and dramas required for the completion of the Atonement in even the minutest particle and wave of the dream we call our life on earth… But we are not the drama dream, but its dreamer. We are the Christ; the pure Son which God created like Himself.
It is easy to live relatively detached from the drama itself when our focus is only on its forgiveness…
So, there is no reason for apprehension… Lets just dive in… forgive what the body’s eyes report and splash and play in the joy and peace and bliss of seeing through the eyes of Christ…
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