I will not hurt myself again today…
It’s yummy to say that in honesty, with absolute faith… Yes? This feeling of trust comes with accepting forgiveness as our only function…
Here’s what happened for me…. A recognition dawned in my mind of another possibility, another guide; s love/based guide already within my mind~ already guiding my life within the whole of life itself; fully directed in its entirety, awaiting but my acceptance, for perception to quickly follow to seemingly materialize it. It was but my wholehearted desire to see a unified perspective that flipped the lid to open in a mind that previously saw only reasons to fear or avoid fear. The joy of love is and always was; abundantly already flooding the system~ Forever extending~ that is the nature of love.
This is the miracle mind; awake and aware. The Course says to the extent to which we value guilt, proportionately we see a world where attack is justified. And for me, as long as guilt is of value to me, whatsoever, forgiveness attempts were just more of the same dignity attack. True forgiveness was impossible to even recognize, let alone allow. See, I thought forgiveness was something that ‘I’ did for someone else, or myself, or vise-versa. Funny how, now, that statement only feels riddled with inconsistencies… course, inconsistencies are indicative of the confused mind.
Forgiveness, it turns out, is the other way of viewing through the mind, simultaneously operating. Wholly visible by my choice to see. It is the total view. It is generous only in the sense that judgment is impossible here, for everything has the same value. All things are exactly as they are and there is no pull to desire something else. Perfection, rather than being the definition of ‘getting it just right’, reflects the impossibility of wrongness… And the ‘right Mind’ allows for illusions to be the nothingness that illusion must surely be, for it is aware of no threat from no-thing.
I’m remembering the section in the text called Perception and choice in chapter 25 where it talks about perception’s fundamental law: ‘You see what you believe is there, and you believe it there because you want it there! (BINGO) It also speaks to us of God’s more basic law: Love creates itself, and nothing but itself! (again, BINGO)
Everything which seems to form-ulate this reality eventually faces the blinding fear boogieman which dissolves into the boundless joy described in this section as the final message to the mind in error, “God is Love. (And therefore so am I).” The error-self cannot house or resonate with this spectacular awareness and its inevitable annihilation begins taking place….
‘The fear of God’ is referred to in the Course as the final obstacle to peace, which one must cross through. And it seems all obstacles boil down to this one~ we begin to see the absolute absurdity of fear, when we recognize that ‘Only Love Is’… ~ no matter what angle we come at it from, we all finally face, square on, that God and Self are the One Love that all creation is…
Once I allowed myself to see that all the ‘story’, my mind was always blabbering on about was nothing; just simply the ego; an illusion dueling it out with itself in an effort to substantiate its flimsy position within the framework of Reality where wholeness makes no allowances for specialness, it was much easier to feel the compassion inherent to wholeness, for wrong-minded ego specialness to want to survive as a possibility. That used to be me after all…
Somehow I let go the desire for the wrong-mind and became willing to forgive all the concepts contained within it, thereby allowing that the false is false and none of my business, which leaves the truth to resonate as the Self we are as one.
I love immersing myself in the only purpose that makes sense. The Atonement Principle: where forgiveness is my only function. Which, incidentally, just feels like love, eh? I couldn’t be happier about this job… like yesterdays lesson says; I have already chosen what God Wills and will it along with Him. My function and my happiness are one. I will only to see Christ in Mind ~where you and I are one…
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