God's Voice speaks to me all through the day….
It’s critical to listen only that which isn’t the form in which it seems to take. The form is the illusion and it can’t tell me anything, being causeless and all. I spent many a long year, in time (although no time in eternity) in the futile effort of trying to figure out what is the voice for God and what isn’t …~Then ‘miraculously’ it seemed revealed to me that if I didn’t know for sure ~ I was not really hearing at all. It is the same old process of image making. It reflects my belief about whom and what I am and then making up a god to join me there and be the boss of things (according to my private dictates). Somehow (miracle no doubt) I began to recognize the compelling pull to listen deeper…to listen within my being, as my being… beyond the ‘seeming answer to a seeming question’ (even if it was “what is the meaning of my life”) and deeper still. Deeper than the compulsion to attempt to bring ‘truth to illusion’ …And incidentally, ah ha dawned and I finally knew what ‘bringing truth to illusion’ meant! It’s hard to know you’re doin’ it when you’re doin’ it; trapped in the hard sell of ‘the wish to make real’… Yet, by simply allowing myself to sink deeper into the stillness, I found I was resting already in the quiet beneath where truth waits, untouched…
So, if I go to God with a ready-made question ~it is always because I already have a ready-made answer (albeit usually secret from myself), I am seeking ‘my answer’ to my question…and really I have forgotten what to ask…and only the return to sanity will tell me… so the question is, “Do I really want to hear God’s voice…Do I want to know my Father’s Will for me?”
Funny how we make god up in our image and likeness~ our voice to dictate to us ‘our solution ~ our guidance’ for our so-called life…missing entirely the fact that this so-called life is not us and we are not here!
Awareness reveals... This tiny tic of time I refer to as so-called life, is a projection of ‘guilt believed’ and so unbearable that a ‘something’ ‘outside’ and ‘other than’, had to be made up to have somewhere to displace it… Once projected out, the mind that dreamed it, lies down within the dream ~attempting to sleep it off, so to speak, and wake up feeling, hopefully, ‘better’… therefore, leaving all contact with being the dreamer of the dream ~ and this ‘so-called’ life is just a grand illusion…
Like that song by
This is the experience of NOW: unending present peace ~ the presence of God ~ where stillness and quiet are the language of the day and calm extends…forever, now. It speaks the experience of certainty already completed ~ of love all encompassing… all else “need not be”…
I can’t leave this mind ~ it is not of my making (imagine as I have tried to pretend a scenario “apart”) ~ This quiet haven will not go away ~every time I turn around, so to speak, there it is ~ “The Kingdom of God is with in me ~ the Kingdom of God IS me”… and God speaks to me always, now…
If I wake up and ‘greet the day in front of me’ this is an expression of separation ~ the day is within me ~ I picture it out through the lens I choose to see with.
So, operating from the “to do” list, shows me I chose a guide in form rather than content.
Trust in purpose, expresses the day through content. If I’m operating from the content of a mind at home in God, I can trust that all thing work together for good… and content fleshes out a world unified and sure…where purpose overrides specifics. Who cares how it goes? The peace of God is my one goal ~ the meaning ~ the means~ and the end…and it is only this voice I choose to hear…
So we sink back into the stillness…further and further until no thoughts of this world accompany us. If thought of form seems to be the voice we hear, so to speak, we sink further… just further still is the deafening quiet from which the mighty chorus of the host of Heaven sings the voice for God and this is where I am …and we are here eternally, NOW ~uninterrupted by the temptation to make a world apart …
Indeed, God's Voice speaks to me all through the day…
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